Hilariously bad
This was one of the rare failures during Schwarzenegger’s golden era, almost as bad as Raw Deal.
It felt like a much bigger film that got cut down into a Schwarzenegger action vehicle. Loads of setup, including the whole Russian steam bath scene, was never revisited.
What the hell was with Gina Gershon? She’s Victor’s wife!? He’s only been in Chicago a few days hasn’t he? Where did he get his private black gang from? Prison? When did he go there?? Gershon’s now dead? How? Why?
The shootouts were hilarious. Bad guys empty entire clips into Schwarz at almost point blank range… none of them seem to hit him. After which Schwarz casually shoots back and of course blows them away with ease.
The final shootout was lame. Schwarz and Victor are facing each other and unload a clip each. Swartz is once again, miraculously unharmed. Come on writers - let’s have something surprising and awesome, like McClane’s sellotaped gun at the end of Die Hard.