I remember seeing trailers for it on TV way back in 1992, one of our local theaters actually had a poster of it with "coming soon" at the bottom of the frame (but they never played it), and I remember it being advertised on pay-per-view.
I finally was able to rent it in the early 2000's from a video store that had a lot of old VHS releases. I marginally liked it - but what stood out to me was how it felt like one long episode of "Law and Order" and that it had a really disturbing, slow-motion scene with the killer splashing around fully naked in blood. My memory is a bit fuzzy...but what was that scene about?
The one with the lion roaring in the background? He was splashing blood.
I assume it was his state of mind and what was going through his vision. He saw himself about to bathe in that women's blood that was pleading for her life on the floor. It was absolutely disgusting that scene, and the fact he showed no remorse or mercy.
I think the scene your referring to is when he kills a priest on the alter of his church, the scene cuts back and forth between shots of a lion in a cage who roars and the killer bathing in the priests blood, and I thing he is bathing in the lions blood at some point as well. I think the scene was meant to show how emotionless the killer was, like a lion, and showing him bathing in the lions/priests blood sort of symbolized that he had become more animal then man by that time. I haven't seen this in years but hat scene is still the first I think of when the movie is mentioned.
I saw this when I was about 10 or so (I was very into true crime novels at the time and had been reading alot of Anne Rule. ) and the scene still haunts me, everything about it is just so intensely unpleasant but you just can't look away. It is still the most mind numbingly disturbing sight Ive seen.
~*Copulate me nonviolently with a mechanical gas powered tree cutting device!*~
You have a very good memory for someone who hasn't seen this in years! One small clarification, though: The scene in the church is not intercut with scenes of the lion at the zoo. It starts with the priest preparing the altar, then the killer jumps through the window screaming "Where is the blood?" He attacks the priest, then pretends to drink blood from the chalice that would serve Communion wine (which to Catholics represents the blood of Jesus). His faced is painted silver and he is wearing a loin cloth the whole time, and wallowing in the priest's blood. There are shots of dogs searching for him, but no lions. It's a very disturbing scene.
I'm not sure what to make of that scene, but it certainly is effective. It almost appears to be the killer's fantasy, though he really did stab the two guards and escape. I suspect some would see parallels with Jesus on the cross.
I saw this film almost 20 years ago, shortly after it was released, and wasn't impressed with it then; it seemed like a talky courtroom drama. I've just watched it again, and I found it most effective. Whether you are pro- or anti-death penalty, this film provides ammunition for your viewpoint – as well as plenty of counter-arguments. There are no easy answers here. Really, there are no answers at all.