MovieChat Forums > Rampage (1992) Discussion > Movie logic is unclear

Movie logic is unclear

So keeping a psychotic murderer alive is good because they're psychotic or keeping a murderer who is psychotic in an asylum is okay because they're a murderer yet locked up because they're just psychotic. WOW. My honest opinion is that someone who is too crazy to murder and not know it is someone who deserves the death penalty precisely because they don't know NOT to murder. Just my take, and I hope the "Vampire Killer" gets raped nightly in a pool of fire in hell.

It's my RIGHT to offend you!!!


there's never any point in keeping them alive.


Especially an animal like Reese.

Y'know, I could eat a peach for hours


To liberals, the death penalty is insane.


I don't necessarily agree with this. Speaking as a liberal, I think the death penalty is thrown around a tad too much these days, but in the case of someone like Charlie Reece, who I believed was psychopathic and not insane, was deserving of it. His escape from his jailers and his desecration of the church was very premeditated in feeling and execution.


I understand competency and culpability; I also understand the need for every accused to be afforded due representation before a jury of peers. I was referencing common sense, that's all.

"I do not like mixing up moralities and mathematics."



The real reason behind this film was to shock and appall to the point where real changes in the justice system are made... having this type of individual committed will never benefit society... cold-blooded murder should be punished with executing those responsible... period!!

The slaughter of innocence must be met with retribution. Not only am I a supporter of the death penalty (only as punishment for someone proven to have committed cold-blooded murder), I would seriously entertain ideas of instituting what the Spanish called the "Auto-da-fe" as a means of punishment for cold-blooded murder... that's the only way to minimize these heinous acts... make the punishment so severe... scare potential murderers away from committing murder.


Stiff penalties prevent the crime the stiff penalties target. With ya carp.

"I do not like mixing up moralities and mathematics."
