What's Freddy's motivation here?

I mean once he's killed Kristen and taken care of the last of the original Bash Street kids.

Beforehand I guess we could all have a little sympathy for Freddy being hunted down and murdered based upon scurrilous rumour without fair trial by that sick rabid pack. Perhaps those parents deserved it for such unbecoming behaviour, who can really say...

However once he's killed Kristen what keeps him going? What gets him out of bed in the morning, ready to face the world without feeling slightly jaded about the prospect of spending yet another day hunting down some gang of 80s high schoolers?


Freddy was a child-killer in real life, that's been made clear over the course of the movies. So once he'd taken revenge on the parents and killed the last of their children, he wanted fresh meat. He wanted to carry on doing what he loved. Killing young people.

This is not some story about an innocent man who was unjustly killed. Once he got his revenge, he was never going to stop killing. It's not in his nature.


Are you dumb. He was a murderer and was clearly guilty. There was no rumor here dude. And he did get a fair trial that actually granted his acquittal over a technicality mistake. The parents had every reason to hunt him down and kill him because he got away with everything and the legal system made things worse with their stupid laws that helped get him off.


Maybe this is a troll comment. I don't think it is possible to tell anymore without looking up posting history and I don't care enough...
BUT - I actually like the idea of Freddy being innocent, initially. Obviously, he was not in the original film series, but I really hoped when they did the reboot that they would go with Freddy being a delusional man-child who created an epic fantasy like that of Henry Darger which was interpreted as proof that he was abusing and killing children. This would also leave the actual killer at large as an additional plot element.


When Kristin passes her power to Alice it clearly goes through Freddy first before it passes through Alice.I think Freddy got the power as well as Alice in that moment and was just stringing Alice along the whole time.

after he had his fun killing all her friends and family he got the two lovers together for their First Date in Freddy's Tunnel of Love he let them survive to go mate and came back when the baby was conceived to try to be Reborn through it or be his Step Daddy or whatever the plan was before his own mother stopped him.

After he got over his mommy issues he almost definitely killed Alice, Yvonne and Jacob and left Alice's Dad one of the crazy kooks wandering around town by Freddy's Dead.
