film studies
anyone else studying this film?
feel free to share your interpretations.
Yeah, I'm doing this film for film studies and personally I hated it, upon expressing this with my film studies teacher she ranted on for about half an hour about how good it was. I just found it far too repetetive and thought the director got away too much creative control.
shareim on the verge of studying this, see im doing a research about surrealist and absurdist film, how it can lead to comical or dramatic/sinister styles...but i havnt seen the movie yet
should i rent it or will i enjoy it for a long time if i buy it? i imagine this is something to freak out my friends with who arent so well orientated in the world of film...
Yeah, I'm studying this film. I liked it but it isn't nearly as good at 'Little Otik' by the same director. It is still, howver, and excellent film. You like Fight Club?
shareyer i really like it.
if u look for sexual imagery in it u can be quite disgusted considering the protagonist is such a young girl.
and yeah fight clubs my fave film :D
i'm studying this film, too, in the context of surrealism and the czech new wave. i hadn't noticed any sexual imagery, though--clue me in.
they're pretty subtle, but if u look for it in the movie there is:
socks goin in holes?
doorknobs being pulled off?
alice being turned into a doll? (like shes a toy)
as well as this their is physical abuse
her hair being set on fire
her being trapped and having things thrown at her
her being shunned by everyone (no cheshire cat etc)
i have heard many interpretations of the film, and if u look around their have been many interesting points already raised in this forum.
What does that stuff have to do with sex? I don't interpret it that way, and I've seen this movie several times through. That imagery can be interpreted a zillion ways. It's surreal imagery anyway.
Sorry, but I had to add in my thoughts before anyone who hadn't seen the movie gets the wrong idea.
And what physical abuse? Yes, Alice is attacked by the "animals", and early in the movie, she gets her hand smacked for trying to turn the pages of her sister's book, but I don't see those as "abuse". The first part I see as being nothing more than part of the adventure; the second part is just simple disclipline.
i am studying this film also. i agree with mr durden there was very subtle sexual imagery, for example the constant shots of her legs.
shareThe shot of her lap at the start where she is throwing the stones in the river is another one plus the bit where she, as a doll, hides in the cupboard and the skeleton animals find her. Two of them pull the bottom of her dress.
shareSexual imagery or not, this is a film that needs to be watched several times and studied closely. Pay parcitular attention to the usage of door knobs and shelves being slammed. You'll find it entertaining if you don't think about these things either.
Buy it- it'll scare the hell out of your friends. I guarantee it : )
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