
This is my first post here, but I just had to remark, to counter all the serious response this film has gotten, how hilarious I found it.

Whether it is just a matter of the classic effects, or the fact that Alice can't seem to help eating everything she finds, including jars of ink. Or maybe it's that she seems convinced that she can open desks by clapping at them, and when she finally figures out that she must use her hands, she inexplicably falls down repeatedly.

Well, that's all I can think of right now. I'm going to go get a clean plate.


I agree. I really enjoyed this film, but found it to be pretty damn funny at points. The bit where she gets smacked in the face with a rake was gold.


Heh, that was freakin' hilarious! What I found amusing was her facial reactions to everything. She never really seemed to feel pain. Her eyes just got really big for a second. I think the mouse building a fire on her head ranks pretty high on the humour scale, too.


YES I know what you mean! And when she starts throwing things at the White Rabbit while she's in the little house and doesn't want him to get in. I started laughing. For some reason I also thought it was funny when the black cat in Jabberwocky kept knocking things down....


Although I wouldn't call this film "hilarious" (that adjective is reserved for Mel Brooks!) I think it had a really refreshing sense of humour to it. The problem with most surrealist directors I've seen--and this generally applies to all "arthouse" directors too--is that they don't know how to lighten up. But from the minute Alice gets konked in the face with that rake, I knew that this wasn't going to be a stuffy, pretentious, too-cool-to-laugh sort of film. I loved the scene where the mouse builds a campfire on her head. This is the 1st Jan Svankmajer film I've seen, and the humour reminds me a lot of Emir Kusturica... maybe with a touch of Terry Gilliam.
