to my knowledge these are the two flicks svankmajer is most popular for. i've seen faust and really enjoyed it. but i haven't been able to find a copy of alice yet. any opinions which is better or if it's worth seeing?
_________________________________________________________________________ "If I really wanted to learn something, I'd just listen to more records."
I've seen three of his films and ALICE is my favorite, then CONSPIRATORS OF PLEASURE, then FAUST.
I would like to see more of his films. The brothers Quay give him tribute in THE CABINET OF JAN SVANKMAJER. And I'd like to know how to pronouce his name.
We judge ourselves by our intentions and others by their actions.
i asked a friend who speaks czech & she said it's pronounced sh-vank-mayer & you slightly roll the r at the end.
i've seen lots of svankmajer films & i think he's a totally amazing & innovative director.
i'd say alice, if i had to choose between it & faust. there's loads out there to get your mitts on though, you can buy his feature films & v1&2 of his shorts on amazon
i didn't like alice that much i mean it was good it was just there wasn't enough dioloug in the movie for me it seems like this guy took all the great lines out of the movie noe i have'nt fineshed the movie yet cause i started it LATE last night but i'm gonna watch it today and watch the whole thing and give it a chance but it seemed like i was watching it FOREVER and it was just getting to the part were alice started to swim in her own tears BUT i didn't see all of it so i'm not sure if i dont like it or not yet
I didn’t like Faust that much really, but I loved Alice. My rating on the three Svankmajer films I’ve seen: Alice 8/10 Conspirators of Pleasure 7/10 Faust 5/10
Have to say that they're equal really... better in different ways. And yeah, i know how annoying that kinda thing is, but its true.
Alice was less refined, so in some places seemed a bit messy, but by the same reason, it was also more free in its insanity. I think also that there was much more detail in the film, the most insignificant objects seeming to have been contemplated endlessly. One thing i found a bit anooying after a while was the "Said the White Rabbit" thing. It was a good idea, but soon wore thin - it was liek 'yeah, so we got the message now, theres not such a need to reitterate it after every spoken word. Then again, having only seen a dubbed version, im sure the lack of lip sincing could be greatly to blame.
Faust i also thought was brilliant. It had all of Svankmajer's surrealist insanity, but seemed to have matured into a more philisophical and thought provoking piece. A minor down thought was that it seemed to have become almost more western in its narrative techniques.
So yeah, both are worth seeing for different reasons, although sharing the vast surreality of Svankmager's techniques.
I can't believe I'm the only one who likes Faust better. Alice was my first Svanky film and I loved it. But then I saw Faust and was totally blown away. But maybe that's because I'm a big fan of the Marlowe play, and this is the first time I've seen a both accurate and original adaptation of it. Faust is one of the few films I've rated a 10 on imdb.