MovieChat Forums > Neco z Alenky (1990) Discussion > Enjoyable in a Second Degree Sunburn Kin...

Enjoyable in a Second Degree Sunburn Kind of Way

For me, I think this movie could best be described as "Cast Away" meets gangrene meets fingernails on a chalk board. I only made it half way through before turning it off. Honestly, I worry about the folks who like this. There's probably an incredibly profound and complex meaning behind the various aspects of the movie, but frankly, I don't care.


I agree with about 90% of your post... It is a bad movie, yes, but more in a sodomized by a crowbar kind of way.

French Stewart is a blight on the film industry. *beep* him.


"Honestly, I worry about the folks who like this."

Perhaps you're being facetious, but people liking a movie you don't is hardly cause for concern. I, however, worry about folks who say that something is probably profound and complex but don't care. Being a moron should trouble you more than the fact that not everyone shares your taste.


Thank you; in my excessive sarcasm, I may have been a little indecorous.

If you truly like this movie, I applaud you for your insight.
