MovieChat Forums > Neco z Alenky (1990) Discussion > Best Alice in Wonderland Film Adaptation...

Best Alice in Wonderland Film Adaptation?

Just wondering what people consider to be the best Alice in Wonderland film adaptation. It could include Alice's Adventures in Wonderland, Through The Looking Glass, or both. From what I hear, this one is considered the best adaptation, perhaps closely followed by Disney's animated version. I haven't seen either one by the way. Just wondering what other people think because I want to watch a film adaptation of the book after just having read it, and I'd like to see the best adaptation, because there are a lot of them.

I'm not gonna hurt ya. I'm just gonna bash your brains in. I'm gonna bash 'em right the *beep* in.


Well, besides the well known Disney animated version, I'm really a big fan of the black and white Alice film directed by Jonathan Miller(with Anne Marie Mallik as Alice) and the Jan Svankmajer Alice(my favorite adaptation). :)


Gotta say this is the best adaption I have scene. I loved how surreal and disturbing it was.


I haven't yet seen a smarter, more inventive version than this.

This world is a comedy to those that think, a tragedy to those that feel.


I haven't seen many verisons, except this, Tim Burton's, and the Disney one. Watching this one REALLY made me want to watch the Disney one again and realize how brilliant it was...

It simply is my favorite, probably due to my nostalgic memories of it.

I did find this one very interesting. If I saw the others, I think I would still like this one a lot more just due to the stop motion. And the Tim Burton one was just stupid...
-#1 site for Dustin Hoffman fans-


While i did like the visuals in this movie and the inventiveness there were parts that just completely annoyed me, like Alice for instance how they would do a close up of her mouth every time she would do the dialogue for a character.


My favourite adaptation is the 1985 TV movie ( which I watched numerous times as a kid despite two scenes scaring the hell out of me. This would be the second best one I've seen. It was kind of annoying at times (her mouth! Ugh!), but aside from this one and the 1985 TV movie, I find the other adaptations too childish.

Everybody betray me! I fed up with this wurhld!
