Joke I don't get!

I've seen this movie many times since high school, but I still do not get one particular joke:

Vincent: Lieutenant.
Frank: The feeling is mutual.
Vincent: Nice to meet you too.

Can anyone please explain the "punchline"? Thanks in advance!


Explaining it kind of ruins it, but here it goes: Frank automatically assumed that is was a pleasure for Ludwig to meet him. Normally when you meet someone, the conversation goes something like "Hello. Nice to meet you," and the other will respond "The feeling is mutual." Frank just jumped the gun on it.

God made man and rested. Then he made women, and neither He nor man have rested since


Awesome joke, pretty subtle for this movie.


A variation of this actually happens in real life all the time, at least here in Australia.Person 1: Hi! (or G'day!)Person 2: Good thanks, how are you?Person 2, if sufficiently self aware, immediately feels stupid.


"I understand the "feeling" doesn't really make sense but thats the absurdity of ZAZ."

Of course it makes sense; it's called 'a joke'.

"A variation of this actually happens in real life all the time, at least here in Australia.Person 1: Hi! (or G'day!)Person 2: Good thanks, how are you?Person 2, if sufficiently self aware, immediately feels stupid"

Anyone with ANY kind of awareness, doesn't act like an AUTOMATON in social situations, but expresses their thoughts honestly, then listens to the other entity's words, then responds to WHAT has been said, not ASSUME anything.

Maybe I am different, but I have NEVER made a mistake like that, as I don't 'jump the gun' in any conversations, assume what someone is GOING to say, but rather listen or watch what they're saying, and then respond to THAT.

I never understood how anyone can make mistakes like these, so my only explanation is that many people do not live in the moment, but they live in some kind of 'automated abstraction' in their head, without REALLY listening to anyone, and just assuming they know what someone says.

I never know what someone is going to say, so of course I am going to listen to whatever they say before I CREATE a response in my mind to what they say. How else am I going to know what to say? If I don't know what to say, I don't say anything.

You don't always have to say something. (I know people probably don't want to hear this from ME)


In a drama, the dialogue would be:

Vincent: Lieutenant, it's nice to meet you.
Frank: The feeling is mutual.

Get it now?


Whats with the ankle bracelet. Was that supposed to be her necklace when she was reaching for the beaver that dlipped down to her ankle.



Nah, some clit ornament is more likely.


"In a drama, the dialogue would be:

Vincent: Lieutenant, it's nice to meet you.
Frank: The feeling is mutual.

Get it now?"

I don't think so.

I think the joke is that Lieutenant is NOT a feeling, or is not usually thought of as being a feeling, and humorists have a way of pointing a light to things people would never usually think about, and thus see. Thinking of 'Lieutenant' as a 'feeling' is HILARIOUS, and I am really happy these comedy writers were talented enough to show is that even a mundane word like that can be a tremendous source of humor, if you use it right.

Part of the hilarity comes from Leslie Nielsen's absolute deadpan delivery as well - it's not a usual, 'friendly' or 'pretense-friendly' delivery, it's said in the funniest way possible, exactly because it's so serious and matter-of-fact..ial?

(When you say something 'matter-of-factly', is it 'matter-of-factial'?)

In any case, Drebin's interpretation of what Lieutenant is or can be, and then Leslie Nielsen's delivery together form a hilarious joke.

It's sad that even here, many don't get's not a mistake, it's not an assumption, it's INTERPRETATION, and that's what makes it funny, Drebin TRULY and REALLY thinks 'Lieutenant' is a feeling!


I get how this can be confusing.

But I did get it right away and it's one of the funniest scenes in the entire movie especially if you get it right away.


One of the few less-than-subtle jokes in this movie. The rest is hitting you over the head. Laugh here! Now laugh here! Drebin is making a face so laugh here!

The anklet joke is that it slipped down from way, way up her thigh.

"'Extremely High Voltage.' Well, I don't need safety gloves, because I'm Homer Sim--" - Frank Grimes


The anklet joke is that it slipped down from way, way up her thigh.

The joke is that it's not an anklet, it's a bracelet, and somehow it impossibly slipped from her wrist to her ankle.


That's the one joke I never got. I don't think that's the explanation, but if it is, then it's truly lousy.

I loved this movie when it came out and afterward and got all the jokes except that one.

Oh well, so it's 99% on the mark with jokes.


I don't think that's specifically the joke. The humor is the absurdity and ambiguity. How could an ankle bracelet have slipped from anywhere else? From where? She says the line like the answer should be obvious. It momentarily confuses Drebin (and the audience) but he lets it go, which is the other part of the humor. We're confused right along with Drebin. It's also a reference to a movie from the 1940's called "Double Indemnity", but in NG it takes an absurd turn.


from wrist to ankle passing nice beaver



Sorry, I know this post is 9 years old but I don't think anyone answered it properly (or maybe I've just always interpreted it differently). I think the joke is that when Vincent says 'Lieutenant" he is referring to the fact that Frank is a Lieutenant. Frank misinterprets it, thinking Vincent is saying that HE (Vincent Ludwig) is a Lieutenant, hence: "the feeling is mutual."

It's kind of like the "Cigarette?" "Yes, I know" gag from Airplane.


The explanation was correct. Ludwig greeted him with a simple "Lieutenant". He could have also said Lieutenant Drebin". Drebin jumped the gun and said "the feeling is mutual". What "feeling"? That's the joke such as it is.

The way it would ordinarily go is:

Ludwig: "Lieutenant, I'm Vincent Ludwig. Nice to meet you"
Drebin: "Thank you Mr. Ludwig, the feeling is mutual"

Or, Drebin could have led off with the compliment:

Ludwig: "Lieutentant"
Drebin: "Mr. Ludwig. Nice to meet you"
Ludwig: "The feeling is mutual"

There are other possibilities, but "the feeling is mutual" always follows a compliment. It usually follows "nice to meet you", or "it's a pleasure to meet you", or it's an honor to know you", etc.

Drebin wasn't paying attention and assumed that Ludwig would tell him that it was nice to meet him.

Not a big joke, but one of the subtle throw away cracks that fills the gaps.


Respectfully, I must disagree.

I totally get how the 'jumping the gun of social niceties' could be the joke, but I'm still not convinced. I just watched it again and it doesn't add up.

Frank WAS paying attention; he's literally looking Ludwig in the eyes and he doesn't miss a beat when he responds. Classic Nielsen is oblivious and assumes that Ludwig is saying that he (Ludwig) is a Lieutenant, like how men sometimes state their own name when shaking hands. I understand the "feeling" doesn't really make sense but thats the absurdity of ZAZ.

Imagine someone walking up to Drebin to shake hands and saying "Frank." What else could he respond with other than "The feeling is mutual" ?

Anyways, I'll leave you with this:

Jane: "He was caucasian. You know, a white guy, with a moustache. About 6 foot 3."
Frank: "Awfully big moustache."


Except 1) why would Frank think Ludwig was saying "Lieutenant" in reference to himself. Does anyone when meeting someone just give their rank? They may say the rank WITH their name but not just the rank. and 2) even if Frank took it as Ludwig introducing himself by his rank, why would Frank's response "the feeling mutual"? what feeling would be mutual?

For the interpretation you are suggesting, there are better jokes, for instance this exchange from
From Hot Shots:
Lt. Commander Block: Admiral Benson!
Admiral Benson: Really? That's my name too.

and this one from From Hot Shots Part Deux
Topper Harley : President Benson.
President Thomas 'Tug' Benson : No you're not. I've seen him on TV. An older man, about my height.

The jokes in these films are based on twisting what is normally said but twisted into something that is still plausible interpretation. Usually by using different definitions of the word or a different interpretation of a question. So the "jumping the gun of social niceties". To me it is clear that while Frank was looking Ludwig in the eyes he was also in autopilot mode like many of us do when meeting someone. I expect someone to say "Have a good night" when they say "goodbye" and I respond with "You too"

Imagine someone walking up to Drebin to shake hands and saying "Frank." What else could he respond with other than "The feeling is mutual" ?

Well he could say "Well I try to be but sometimes, in my job, you can't always be so direct "


Its a plot hole




Huge gaping hole.


Its a plot hole but not a huge gaping one. Its important not to over react here. One of the actual huge gaping plot holes in this movie is the injuries to the OJ Simpson policeman character. No way would he be able to just bounce back from the injuries sustained thruout the film


Are you sure you know what a plot hole is? I'm having my doubts.


Yes, I'm the one on here who has exposed more plot holes than anyone else in the world


Ah, okay. Carry on.
