When youve seen a movie already, you know that a scene must be really really funny if you begin to laugh in anticipation of it. That being said, the part of this movie that always has me in stitches as it unfolds is during the start of the baseball game. After the first two pitches of the game, Frank is noticing all of the applause he gets when he calls a strike. At this point, my heart begins to race in anticipation and the chuckling commences. Now I am getting ready for the third pitch. The camera shows a close-up of Frank with a crap-eating grin on his face through the umpire mask. Now I know it's coming... this is when I totally lose it, because I know that in a few seconds, Frank will be calling strike three while the baseball is in mid-flight, and to top it off, he'll be doing the splits and some other great dance moves that John Travolta could not have pulled off in his Saturday Night Fever days. When this is all over, it takes me a while to recover. If anything good happens in the next five minutes, Ill probably never know it, because im always laughing too hard to hear the movie at this point.
Just like to know if anyone else feels the same way about this scene or if anyone else has a similar experience with another part of the movie.

"Momma told me not to come."


I'm watching this now, and I will always love the press confrence at the beginning After Frank speaks to the press and goes to the bathroom and forgets to turn off his mic. Gets me everytime.


Probably Frank singing the National Anthem.


The bloopers on the big screen on the stadium


That wasn't Frank, that was Enrico Palazzo!!!!!


I first saw this movie on TV, and they cut out the bathroom sound effects from that scene, and only left in Drebbin's voice. I didn't understand the ladies' reactions, no surprise. It wasn't until later I saw the scene as it was intended, and it's by far my favorite bit in the movie.

The part where Jane makes her entrance and tumbles down the staircase is wonderful, as well as OJ in the wheelchair at the end, with the hearty slap on the back.


"Oh, well" said Zanoni, "to pour pure water in the muddy well does but disturb the mud !"


The bit for myself is when Drebin's female boss is reading out the list of crimes he is accused of following his illegal break into the Villain's resident - " Entry without a warrant. Destruction of property. Arson....Sexual assault with a concrete dildo!?" Her expression when she says it is priceless.

'looks like... looks like we're shy one horse'

'No you brought two too many'


a part i always look forward to is when Frank is taking a walk to think things over, and he's going over all the things in his head....and

"and where the hell was I?"
*cue animal/monkey sounds


Another one is when Frank searches Ricardo Montalban's office at night, trying not to make any noise and ending up demolishing everything.



Occupation 101 - The truth about Israel and Palestine


When Frank strip down suit like Prisila tear down her dress!I knew it

Charlie Harper: This conversation's over.
Jake Harper: Not if I keep talking


I lose control of bodily functions when Frank starts shooting at his own car.

I'm the smartest guy around:


"I lose control of bodily functions when Frank starts shooting at his own car. "

I think that that's the funniest scene of any movie I've ever seen. And that even includes Used Cars. He's so serious and intent.


I lose control of bodily functions when Frank starts shooting at his own car.

"did anyone get the licecnce plate?"


when Frank starts shooting at his own car
Yep. And his expression a while later, when he's sort of starting to realise.

I choose to believe what I was programmed to believe


when frank stuns ricardo and he says that he will be okay and he felt down from the stadium


Stephanie the teen driver with John Houseman as her instructor, going after the bad guy.


Now, Stephanie, extend your arm. Extend your middle finger. Very good.

"Pretentious" is a three-syllable word for any thought too big for little minds.


Reading off the "sexual assault with a concrete dildo" charge does it every time lol

..."We all have it coming kid"...


The parts where OJ Simpson gets stuck to that truck and the part towards the end when he is in the wheelchair and falls off the side.

That baseball scene makes me laugh that was toooo funny.


Love the bit at the beginning when Frank knocks that big African guy out the window and totally pumped up, strikes a pose and yells "YEEEEAAAAARRRRGGGHHHHH!!!!" at the camera before pummelling the Ayatollah.

Brilliant! :D


I love the bit at the baseball game when Ludwig grabs Jane and then you see him walking up the stairs wrestling with an obvious dummy of Jane.


For me, its the baseball bloopers. They get me every damn time.


During the 'I'm Into Something Good' montage when Frank and Jane walk out of the cinema laughing their heads off and the cinema banner reads 'PLATOON'


For me it's the line after the montage. "I can't believe we just met yesterday."

"Pretentious" is a three-syllable word for any thought too big for little minds.


During the 'I'm Into Something Good' montage when Frank and Jane walk out of the cinema laughing their heads off and the cinema banner reads 'PLATOON'


The moon walking umpire bit is hilarious.

When Frank arrives at his apartment and thinks there's an intruder inside (not knowing it's Jane) and starts doing all the flips to slip in and out of each room.
