When youve seen a movie already, you know that a scene must be really really funny if you begin to laugh in anticipation of it. That being said, the part of this movie that always has me in stitches as it unfolds is during the start of the baseball game. After the first two pitches of the game, Frank is noticing all of the applause he gets when he calls a strike. At this point, my heart begins to race in anticipation and the chuckling commences. Now I am getting ready for the third pitch. The camera shows a close-up of Frank with a crap-eating grin on his face through the umpire mask. Now I know it's coming... this is when I totally lose it, because I know that in a few seconds, Frank will be calling strike three while the baseball is in mid-flight, and to top it off, he'll be doing the splits and some other great dance moves that John Travolta could not have pulled off in his Saturday Night Fever days. When this is all over, it takes me a while to recover. If anything good happens in the next five minutes, Ill probably never know it, because im always laughing too hard to hear the movie at this point.
Just like to know if anyone else feels the same way about this scene or if anyone else has a similar experience with another part of the movie.
"Momma told me not to come."