A really great movie

I watched this movie late last night and i havent laugh so hard it a long time..at first I thought it was stupid, but when she went into the party dressed in red it was very funny for me..I am not sure what it was..but some thing about it tickled my fansty..i aint sure why i starting this..but if any one reads it did you feel the same?



You know I think the entire movie is hilarious, but one of my fav parts is the scene where the eyeball is teaching Celeste what the definition of sex is. Both of their reactions are unforgettable. Oh and the other hilarious scene is where she is at the grocery store and the cashier asked her if she had anything smaller than a 1,000.00 bill, and she hands her over a mini 1,000.00 bill. LOL!!!!


The movie is fun! IT's an unforgattable comedy of the 80s! Kim Basinger is damn beautiful with her early Vicki Vale-look. If UFOs look like her I wanna meet one!


It must be a culture thing. All the people I know in the UK who saw this stinker wish they hadn't. The humour was too blunt. It simply wasn't funny.

IMHO of course.


Ok, so maybe this movie is kinda cheezy, but it has a lot of funny bits and I have to agree on the humor. The bathroom scene where Celeste is being educated about sex is hilarious! I laughed so hard. Priceless reactions from both her and the alien eye of shock and intrigue. And how sexy was the very next scene with Kim Basinger in slow-motion, with her silky slip carressing her body with wind blowing her hair and that song "Pump Up the Volume" playing over it??? A movie worth seeing, but maybe not worth owning.


haha I like it when she goes to the store and gives the cashier a huge diamond. funny stuff!



I remember liking this moving as a kid, but didn't remember much about it. I recently saw it again and got several unexpected laughs out of it. It's definitely underrated.

Pessimists see difficulty in every opportunity. Optimists see opportunity in every difficulty.


indeed it has some magic, this was the only positive topic i could find on this board, i'm no expert movie critic but i think this is an amazing bit of entertainment, i thought the board would be packed with admiration and sort of have a cult status vibe, i probably would sound ironic unless posted under this thread, maybe this will be appreciated someday, it gets a jab in the "family guy" episode too guest starring aykroyd himself with chevy chase, aykroyd: - "perhaps you can do something else besides criticising me and quoting my movies?" - stewie griffin: - "you just watch your mouth, mister.", but i've always found it quite an enjoyable flick, it has a bad title though and unless you've seen it doesn't reveal he's actually a widower, first impression could be it's some glamorisation of the modern family phenomena, i've always known it titled in my own language "my wife is an alien" (naturally translating here), by the way, the 1993 movie "attack of the 50ft woman" got translated "my wife is a sexy giant", the original title to this also tells the story from the child's perspective, which seem rather off considering all the adult humour and daring scenes, though as a kid i didn't even notice it, but could make an embarrassing experience for someone expecting a family movie, still it's a cute harmless flick, funny parts, as when she sets the table, and very moving at times, with an odd mix centring around science fiction. kim basinger starred in a bond movie a few years prior to this, and it just struck me, can you imagine cool guy bond reacting like aykroyd's part in this when he sees her, drooling, mumbling, falling over her, and almost cries when she says she's about to leave.

🌍 πŸ’« ⭐️ 🌟 πŸ‘ πŸ’ƒ πŸ‘„ 🏠 πŸ₯ž 🚴 🚲

the lady of my dream,
so easy to cast in the lead,
but lately you come around so seldomly,
each gap think not coming back so far in between,
driftin away slipping me out in reality.
