MovieChat Forums > Mississippi Burning (1989) Discussion > Link to Shawshank Redemption and car que...

Link to Shawshank Redemption and car question? (spoilers)

Note, spoilers below.

Just wondering if anyone else noticed this: In one of the final scenes where the sentences of those convicted are being shown, the still black and white shot of Clinton Pell looks -very- similar to the character Andy DuFresne (played by Tim Robbins) in the Shawshank Redemption. I know they are different actors, but just in that single shot they look eerily alike. Anyone else see that?

Also, the car Ward and Anderson drove for most of the movie, the sleek black one, does anyone know what that is? I'd love to know. It looks like a sixties Chevolet Impala to me, but I'm not great with cars. If anyone else knows, please speak up?

