MovieChat Forums > Mississippi Burning (1989) Discussion > It's not 'right wing' to kill people

It's not 'right wing' to kill people

A lot of idiots on here seem to think if you kill someone you're "right wing". Go look up William Jennings Bryan, Edmunde Burke, Joseph Sobran, and learn the difference between someone who calls them self a conservative and someone who just kills people who they disagree with.

Another thing - stop using the term "racism" to refer to discrimination. We're all one race, the human race, inside the human race are breeds and stock.


Wait - you tagged populist Democrat William Jennings Bryan as a "conservative"? Deliberate inflationary policy as a means of wealth redistribution, trustbusting, Prohibition? Have you ever read Cross of Gold? Talk about class warfare. The mental gymnastics required to tag Bryan as a conservative are staggering. Just because you self-identify as a conservative, and you like some of the things a man says, it doesn't follow that he's a conservative. Do you understand that? Are you sure you know what conservative ideology is, or is it possible you are conflating your own beliefs with those of the movement? Yes, those were rhetorical questions.


Good points. I am a Liberal and absolutely love Teddy Roosevelt who was a conservative. Of course he would be considered a left wing liberal these days so I guess that makes sense.
