Mississippi Burning's Score

First off let me say, although I have seen tons of movies, I am no film school student. The most I have ever noted about the score of a movie was when composers have borrow large elements from their previous works. Examples being Star Trek II compared to Aliens & Star Trek IV compared to Robocop II. I think the job of the musical elements of a movie is NOT to stand out. It should compliment the action & emotion of the movie so well it amplifies them without even realizing its there.

The Gospel hymns of Missippi Burning are something that's totally expected given the subject matter & compliment the movie well. All the other elements of the score were so inappropriate that it stood out like a sore thumb. The music played during the action & suspense scenes seemed like it belonged in a 1980s crime film. It called to mind movies like later Dirty Harry or Death Wish sequels, perhaps even Leathal Weapon or Beverly Hills Cop.

Perhaps I make a bad critic, because I can't tell you what type of musical elements should have been used instead. I just know it totally didn't jive with period & tone of the movie. This is the only time I have ever felt the need to say anything, good or bad, about a movie's score so it must mean something. Anybody else agree?


I didn’t have that much of a problem with it, but I did find it peculiar that the dark theme they kept playing over and over again was very reminiscent of the music of John Carpenter and Alan Howarth. Could have been right out of „They Live“, or something else.


Something attracts me to this repeating theme. Now that you mention it, it is in the same rhythm as John Carpenter's "Halloween" theme, which I am a fan of these movies. No wonder I like this score haha.


No, I loved it. The electronic, rhythmic kind of track had a neutral quality to it. I found it very effective. My hair stood on end in the theater. It's interesting that very similar music was used in another Alan Parker film "Angel Heart". It is not music one would associate with this era or with the deep South, but it worked in that setting in both films.


I thought it was good.


You're entitled to your opinion. That's what these boards are for. However, I personally had no problem at all with the score. I also feel that it was one of the two great films that Alan Parker made, along with ' Midnight Express '. One of the best of the 80s.

