Was history really this 'black and white'?
This is a topic for all of you with open minds, so if you're PC or racist, you might wanna stop readig here.
I'm only 15 minutes in to this movie (and liking it so far, but that's irrelevant), but the sheer volume of slimey simple-minded low IQ stereotype southern rednecks in a reckognized piece of quality epic such as this, makes me wonder; Was it REALLY that simple back in the 50's & 60's? Had this hate roots beyond the bar set on James Bond-villains, or was there other things to it that are too PC to bring up in this day and age?
First things first; I wasn't around in the 60's, being born in 1979. And when born, I've never even visited the continent that is North America. But, the claimed history of the discrimination against black people is well established here in Europe.
The image etched in decade after decade of blacks as innocent preys back then, being pretty much stalked and harassed by entire states in this disgusting mannor ... is this image TRUE, or twisted, history-wise?
WAS the acts of violence towards black people back in the 50's and 60's "uncalled" for. Don't get me wrong, NO act of violence is called for, unless self-defense. But had the real life Hollywood-redneck some sort of reason/excuse with a Liiittle bit more nuance, than that of which we are taught in cinemas?