MovieChat Forums > Mississippi Burning (1989) Discussion > How the bodies were found, completely fi...

How the bodies were found, completely fictionalized by film.

This is a true story yet one of the most important parts of the movie was the guy who comes to question the KKK guy to get him to tell where the bodies are located. In the movie they bring in this special black agent who threatens to castrate the KKK guy but of course that isn't reality. It was an Italian member of the mafia who got the KKK to talk. Why would they change it to a black guy? It's a true story why change something that is so important? To appeal to black people? I am sure black people saw that movie and thought wow how awesome a black guy made the white man talk. Just another "true story" film that changes facts that shouldn't be.


I thought it was a Chinese member of the Mafia who made the guy talk.


No, no, no, it was an Italian member of the Yakuza that did it.

I want the doctor to take your picture so I can look at you from inside as well.


Was Jimmy Hoffa with them?


Shhhh, don't mention his name.

I want the doctor to take your picture so I can look at you from inside as well.


Mel Gibson?


With the ancient FBI agent supposedly capturing the charm of the good looking bird married to a klansmen, i thought it was quite clear that many parts of the film had been fabricated or changed/embellished for dramatic effect myself.
That wasn't true, was it?


Rubbish. Everyone knows that Bambi's mum was running all the rackets and that she was behind the entire thing because she has the FBI on her payroll.


The Mayor only told them who was involved; he was not kkk.

Tha assistant Sherif's wife was the one who told Mr Anderson (Gene Hackman) where the bodies were burried.


Greg Scarpa.


It was a highway patrol named Maynard King.


True and I also found it strange that they made the “hired muscle” a black man. Like you said, the fbi brought in one of the Italian mafias hardest hitters and he straightened the Klan members out . They should have showed this in the movie as it would show a different side of the Italian mafia


it is put in for black audience to show black man from north being cool and having powers. like revenged.


I remember complaints that the movie took a lot of liberties with the truth, the biggest being that it kind of idealized the FBI's part in the civil rights movement, made them look like they were supportive of it. I forget the details.

Pretty typical Hollywood historical film in that regard, simplifying things, giving the audience heroes to pull for.


The FBI being heroes of the civil rights movement in this movie is the biggest piece of fiction.
