
I wish he wasn't in this..I think he is strange and creepy. Cannot find it realistic that she would fall for him..


I don't get the appeal of this goober either. Everything I've seen him in, he has pretty much ruined. All he does is smirk the entire time, when he is supposed to be serious, and in this movie in particular, he makes weird voices and has nerdy mannerisms.

I still don't understand the "CLUB SODA" thing. Oliver Platt seems to get it... maybe it's a gay guy joke. - The Free eBay - Swag Bucks - Search the Web, Earn free Money and prizes!


Seriously, get a grip, guys. The movie is to be taken light-heartedly. Obviously Michelle's charachter would have to fall to someone as "magoo" as Modine's charachter to contrast with the guys she was used to be with (mobsters). And I think Modine delivers a fitting performance to what was required from his was never meant that his charachter would be the wisest guy around nor anything, was it.

Besides, that Club Soda code thing was probably just a joke about the silly code names for FBI undercover missions.


Besides, that Club Soda code thing was probably just a joke about the silly code names for FBI undercover missions.

The only thing is, the way they used it, Oliver Platt would sit there and smile every time he said it, so I was like, if that's the code word, shouldn't Platt be running in now, instead of smiling gaily?

I know it's just a movie, but it really made me realize... I could be an actor. If Matthew Modine is setting the standard, my brother's pet bulldog could be an actor as well. - The Free eBay - Swag Bucks - Search the Web, Earn free Money and prizes!


the problem with modine is that it's never clear whether his awkwardness in the film is him in character (i.e. on purpose) or if it's just an awkward performance, which is not a good thing at all. I really don't think he fit the film at all.


Well I find him attractive. Always have. And I don't find him creepy or strange. He looks like your normal, slightly geeky guy. And he had nice chemistry with Pfeiffer too.

"Say anything about me, dahling, as long as it isn't boring."-Talullah Bankhead




It wasn't planed this way... But I saw a Mathew Modine movie earlier today, called "Birdy." He was FANTASTIC in that film.
This film was just another mid-80's comedy.

Trust me,
My, you're nosey, aren't you?


modine can be great (streamers is another one from early 80's and hes amazing in it) but something about his role here doesnt work, i dont know if its him or the script doesnt give him enough to work with
