MovieChat Forums > Maniac Cop (1988) Discussion > Maniac Cop Blu-Ray Is Coming...

Maniac Cop Blu-Ray Is Coming...

Just returned from Cinema Wasteland Convention in Ohio, and the Synapse films guys were at their stand as usual and I talked with them about the possibilities of doing titles in Blu-Ray and they informed me that Maniac Cop will be their first Blu-Ray title and will be available around December. They said it's one of their top selling titles and that they already had it mastered in HD.


I'm not into the whole Blu-Ray thing but I know Synapse will do a great job with this. I wonder if it'll have any new features or just basically be like the version they put out? Either way, I'm sure it'll look good.


I wish they would make a boxset of all three. I only see the other two on TV now adays.


no way!

