Why Target Jack?

Why did Cordell go after Jack at the end? Like he tried to make it his mission it seemed. Jack wasn't the Comissioner nor the Mayor but yet Cordell seemed to specifically want to kill Jack towards the end.

Any theories, guys?


I guess one possible motive was that Jack knew who/what he was and he didn't want anyone knowing his secret to be alive.



Why did he frame him BEFORE he knew anything about him? All I can come with is he had a similar psychical description. I believe Jack was framed by Cordell's SO\GF to protect Cordell which ruined his plan(?) to kill the Mayor.

He couldn't kill the Mayor when Jack was locked up, I don't think he was targeting Jack on purpose, he just got in the way inadvertently.
He started driving away at the end (To kill the Mayor, I suppose), I don't think he was trying to kill Jack as he didn't shoot him when he had the chance (That could be Plot Induced Stupidity, though).
