MovieChat Forums > The Land Before Time (1988) Discussion > They should rerelease the soundtrack.

They should rerelease the soundtrack.

...or at least put it on iTunes/AmazonMP3/etc, preferably without the "Album Only" stipulation.

Sometimes the prices for a used CD are ridiculous.

Maybe I should by the American Tail soundtrack while I still have a chance.



yeah its over $100 on ebay and I really really want it! re release it already !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

"I BELIEVE I CAN FLY".......*BANG* - Crash; Ice Age 2

reply 5Q/ref=sr_1_2?ie=UTF8&s=music&qid=1224641419&sr=1-2

The used price isn't that bad.

Barney has a bit of a problem


are you kidding? $66!!!!!

"I BELIEVE I CAN FLY".......*BANG* - Crash; Ice Age 2


i cant believe its that much???? i bought mine for about 8 pounds about 5 years ago in hmv. I also got american tale for similiar price. thats ridiculous to sell them that dear

"she's the tear that hangs inside my soul forever."

