I was even nice to a girl

One thing I always associate to this movie is the Pizza Hut commercial that is on the original release of the VHS copy. The commercial was about a kid going to a girl's birthday party, some of you might remember. I still have the copy I got 20 years ago and also that was when Pizza Hut was "Pizza Hut, Making it Great!" not that "Best pizza under one roof" crap.



I love that commercial! It makes me want to find the old VHS tape.



Lmao, I just watched this movie on my original tape, hahaha, I forgot about that!


I have the VHS copy, there is a default in it, the first 20 minutes are in black and white and the video doesn't jump into color until the part with Ducky jumping over the cracks so she doesn't break her back.

For years, this was the only way I ever saw the movie until '93 when I was in the 6th grade when we watched it in class. I was thinking to myself, I'll finally get to see those birds fight over a red cherry instead of a gray one but I never made it that far because our teacher had to stop the movie before Littlefoot's mom died. She said she couldn't watch it because it was too sad.


Haha, that's really interesting. I'm impressed you remember that.

You can make all the excuses you want. But you're the one who decides how to live your life. -Mugen


Heck yeah I remember that commercial! I thought about it a few months ago and decided to look for it on YouTube. It was pretty cool when I found it. I remembered everything right.

Lol, everytime I watch Liar, Liar, I think of it, because the lady who played the mom in that commercial played the teacher.

Ha, I always wanted to eat at a Pizza Hut when I was a kid thanks to that commercial, but my parents never took me. We were a devoted Round Table family! How dare we stray away from our flock!?


