MovieChat Forums > The Land Before Time (1988) Discussion > Land Before Time: A Movie About Disabled...

Land Before Time: A Movie About Disabled Children Making It?

Ok, hear me out.

This movie is all about disabled children. Look at the characters:

1) Littlefoot has some kind of physical impairment, you can see it when he doesn't look like his bros and sisters.

2) Ducky has OCD. She repeats her nos and yeahs constantly.

3) Spike obviously has a severe disability. Most likely Downs Level 6.

4) Petre has ADD and suffers from mild psychosis...obvious when looking at his frantic actions.

5) Now Sarah/Cera is weird. She may have split personality or is actually normal existing among the disabled. edit: whoa, Sarah/Cera...split right there!

Ok, so this movie seems to be about the disabled youth of America making to their own "great valley." But of course, they're faced with lots of obstacles. Numbero uno is Sharptooth. He represents society as a whole: wild, corrupt and dangerous. But in a way, he's also disabled. This is what leads to his ("society") death...this is a nod to WWIII which is happening RIGHT NOW!


This kind of makes sense, but I'm pretty sure that's not what was going through George Lucas's mind when he made this...


Don Bluth's mind, you mean...Lucas and Spielberg were only Executive Producers.

This disabled children theory is ridiculous. Normally I let people get what they want out of movies, but there is absolutely nothing backing this up. I could just as easily say it's symbolism for executives running a railroad company and apply overgeneralized human business casts to the characters.

I am Jack's IMDb post.


I don't like you.


I have heard you out and have reached the conclusion that you abviously have far too much free time on your hands. You should spend it better than making up such... bizarre stuff.

Supermodels...spoiled stupid little stick figures mit poofy lips who sink only about zemselves.
