12 Sequels... really??

That is insane... Not even Friday the 13th or Pokémon have that many movie sequels...

Sorry, two's company, and three's an adult movie.


12? I thought they stop at 13 sequels.



Actually, Pokémon has 15 canon films (two to be released this summer).

And Friday the 13th has 12 films (if you include the crossover and remake - with another remake rumored, which would bring the tally to 13).

And despite the fact there are 12 sequels to The Land Before Time (13 films overall), some of the sequels are actually pretty good.

But the singalongs do somewhat ruin the plot advancements.
The only sequel that I'd say is worth repeating viewings, is VII: Stone of Cold Fire.



I stopped at like the sixth movie.

You should watch the 7th movie in the series. It's quite good(as sequels go).

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Land_Before_Time_VII:_The_Stone_of_Co ld_Fire

"If I can't dance, I don't want to be part of your revolution."
- Emma Goldman



There is going to be one more sequel titled:

The Land Before Time XIV: Just Before The Asteroid Hits.


Are these beds made out of bombs?



Don't forget about the TV series.


Actually, TLBT is up to 13 and Pokemon is up to 16 (not including specials and direct-to-DVD) now, and the latter is just gonna keep going. Thankfully the TLBT series died with 13, which was probably the first sequel I actually hated. I do agree that several of the sequels are quite good though, and growing up with them I'm especially partial to the second through seventh. From the eight it just got gradually worse IMO, but it might have more to do with me becoming older than anything. I think I would actually say that Stone of Cold Fire is better than the first, because it has a more interesting plot and a pretty complex villain. I still think the first is good, but I didn't like it that much when I was younger, probably because of it's darker nature. Same thing with An American Tail: I liked it's sequels better than the original. Also kind of weird because I really liked The Hunchback of Notre Dame and Pocahontas, which is arguably much darker.
I hope the first movie gets a Blu-ray release soon.



i hope more sequels are made. they are great
