Did you like it?

yes or no


Yes I did, thanks for asking. It finished very strong and I really liked how they presented a conclusive end to the case. I think it would have been better suited as a 2 to hour movie though. 7/10


In a way its similar to netflix/streaming series now with the stellar movie casts but many stretched out needlessly , some of them would be better off as 2hr movies. Had this version of the Ripper been a movie released in theatres it could've been abit of a classic, a box office hit, and maybe won Caine the best actor oscar (he won the golden globe).and had the longevity a movie would have. As a TV mini series its kind of been lost (I guess maybe Shogun and Das Boot made the TV mini series a thing back then like streaming does now )


I loved it. I have no idea how accurate it is since I know next to nothing about the real Jack the Ripper killings but this film is very good.
