random thoughts about this film
just bits i was thinking about while i watched it for the first time in many years (i had previously seen it a few times around 12 years ago).
so many funny parts that have stayed with me without me even realizing where they came from. so much funnier and more well done that most so-called comedies. the parts that are sort of just bad characaters of stereotypes are really just the lowest surface humour in this one... it goes much deeper than that and there is subtlety here that i never noticed years ago.
"say that brother's walking on aquariums." oh that toe! and the backflip stunt double jab is still golden. that's the director's sister... sweet. the cigars-cigarettes-turntable-tray theme music ended this on such a high.
watch past the credits (always a pleasure anyways... but there's one last scene on this one).