MovieChat Forums > Halloween 4: The Return of Michael Myers (1988) Discussion > Does anyone really care about these lame...

Does anyone really care about these lame follow ups ??

To me halloween began and ended with the original !!! .... everything that followed after is pretty much shit and means nothing !


Sad to say. A large portion of the franchise fans seem to care for them more than the original film.


I actually prefer halloween 3 to the other films , at least that was original !

The other films are just nonsense ! no need for them at all !


Oh yeah. The third movie is far superior to any Myers movie after the original.

The fact that it didn't succeed and some fans to this day can't get their head round the fact they got a good original movie rather than a second tired retread is another indictment of the fans of this franchise.


I enjoy them. I think a lot of people can recognize that they're not great (or in some cases even good) films but there is something comforting about them. The same for the Friday the 13th and Nightmare on Elm Street sequels. You kind of get what you expect with them and as long as you don't set your standards too high you'll be satisfied.


I agree with this. Friday the 13th, Halloween and A Nightmare on Elm Street are kind of like my movie comfort food.


"Does anyone really care about these lame follow ups"



I enjoy H4 fairly well. It's not great, and a little dull at times, but I can still watch it and get some enjoyment out of it.

I would understand your post better if you posted it on the Halloween 5 board.


Nope. I did when I was like 9 but later on in life I realized that the only good films were the first 3, the ones that Carpenter and his people were directly involved in.


Yep, I pretty much agree. I do think H20 is entertaining, but I don't count it as an actual sequel.


Yeah I find them all somewhat enjoyable even Resurection.


i have nothing against the 'Halloween' franchise (the first is a classic, the second is good and the third was original, to say the least) but (unlike the 'Friday The 13th' series) the latter sequels are largely dull (without even decent gore or inventive kills) and don't get me started on those (garbage) Rob Zombie remakes?
the problem I have with the 'Halloween' franchise is that it's the same-old, same-old, in every movie (Myers goes around stabbing people with a knife.....end of) Sometimes the writers try to overcomplicate matters by adding pointless retcon/exposition to their plots....and now it seems that since the 2018 reboot, that now all other sequels never took place (talk about slapping your audience in the face?) At very least, the people behind Jason Voorhees knew they were making shite and put their killer in space or pitted him against Freddy Kruger.....Whereas all Halloween sequels are deathly dull, lack any genuine and/or decent kills.....yet are (unexplainably) hyped up by both studios and fans alike?
is it the 'familiarity' that audiences like?....if so, then it's little wonder the 'Halloween' franchise treats them with contempt?
