Can H4 & H20 coexist?

I'm no expert on this series, and there are a lot of confusing things from sequel to sequel. That said I've always liked H4 and H20 in addition to H1 and H2. My question is if one watches H1, H2, H4, and H20, is there a decently plausible and interesting explanation out there to account for the major differences in story between H4 and H20? Thanks!


They cannont co-exist. The Halloween franchise is pretty messed up, having three timelines now in the franchise. Before H20 was made you could group Halloween 1,2,4,5, Curse of MM together. But H20 ignored 4-6, and picks up after 2.


H20 was gonna reference 4 in the original script. Somebody on reddit say Laurie could have faked her death left her child with somebody and the town covers up the murders between 4 and 5.


That's quite a stretch. How and why would the town cover up all those murders? That'd be national news.


I know this is an old post. But there was the keddie murders in 1981, that was supposedly a cover up. The suspects were named a few years ago,who are dead now, they apparently knew powerful people


Not a chance. You would have to explain Laurie leaving one kid and taking the other, Loomis going along with the cover up, and everybody suddenly forgot the killings in 4-6.


Yeah i definitely think they can.


I always thought H20 could exist in the events of 4-6. Perhaps the townspeople and police of Haddonfield tried to keep quiet about the events of those films so it would not hurt the town's reputation and maybe even rumors emerged that "it wasn't really Michael Myers." Laurie faked her death to go on the run and left Jamie behind not wanting her to have to live a life of hiding but not expecting Michael to return to Haddonfield. After the events of H6, Michael may have sensed that his bloodline was not destroyed which led him to investigate if Laurie was still alive. The house in Resurrection may be in the condition it is because it had not been occupied for 7 years and the TV producers may have decorated it to look creepier for their reality show.


If you want to work really hard at it, maybe.
They were never meant to, though. H20 ignores all the sequels after 2.


I don't view H4 as part fo the H20 storyline. For me it's 1,2, H20
