Favorite Scene?

I am shocked by the low rating for Funny Farm. It was the last film directed by George Roy Hill and the casting is awesome. What are you favorite scenes?

One of the funniest is when the movers ask Mack for directions:

Mack: How'd you know my name was Mac?
Mover: Guessed
Mack: Then guess your way to Redbud.

Mack: Well if I was going to Redbud I sure as hell wouldn't start here.


The threshold. It's fantastic slapstick.

There's another thread on here asking if this counts as a Christmas movie. IDK about that but the final act was beautifully shot & I always remember it around this time of year.

It's an underrated movie & that's probably a good thing. Once movies are deemed "classic" we have a way of squeezing them for nostalgia, to the point you question what you saw in it in the first place.


Thought the scene on the fishing boat was pretty good. Some nice physical comedy there.


The scene where Elizabeth is gardening. That has to be one of the most unintentionally sexy scene in a 80s movie.


When they buy the first dog, bring him home, then the dog just jumps out of the car and runs away at top speed!
