Sarah Michelle Gellar

Under Sarah Michelle Gellar's information it says she is in this movie. Now I watched this movie the other night specificly looking for SMG and didn't find her in any scenes. Can someone tell me what scene she is an extra in and point her out?


She's listed as Elizabeth Farmer's student, but to be honest, that may be a deleted scene. I'm watching the film now, so if I spot the scene they are talking about I'll let you know.

The Single Most Overrated Film of All Time is The Night Of The Hunter(1955)!


I never saw her in it.



I just finished watching the DVD, and there is no scene showing Elizabeth in a classroom, or with students. The only way I know she is a schoolteacher, is because when she insults Andy's novel, he shouts at her that she's "only a schoolteacher"....which I 'm sure schoolteachers will find insulting. After all, it was schoolteachers who taught Ernest Hemmingway, Shakespeare, and Oscar Wilde.


I've just watched the film again, it's a favorite.
I did not see Sarah Michelle Gellar (age 11) and I was looking for her.
No "Elizabeth students" either.
Maybe she got panned & scanned right off the DVD.


I'm looking for her right now. I'm not watching it yet, just fast forwarding, but could she be in the the 2nd to last scene with all the people and kids (snow ball scene)? Hard to find, tough.




you sow that scene or you know it because you think it might be like that? Maybe it was showed on TV Version of this movie?


was michelle in the coffin they found ?




The word "beginning" seems to be a bit tough for you, 0-2.


I have searched and searched and searched. She is not in this movie.


I wouldn't want to be in this movie either.


Also find it amazing that the mailman Kevin Conway is listed as uncredited. I guess he wasn't an established actor at that time but he did have a major role.


Major role? No, not really. After all, until the scene where he actually stops and gets out of the truck and comes into the house, we never see him. It could have been ANYONE driving that truck until then, and his voice could just have been added to the soundtrack during editing.



There is a photo of the scene, you can't even tell it is her. You just see her hair. If the website is accurate that is.


I THINK she was in a deleted scene that was meant to go in the movie's beginning, before they leave for Red Bluff. We see Chevy at work and there was likely a scene where we would have seen Elizabeth at work too.
