The Best Scene

I so enjoy this movie, and especially, how careful, and non-trivial scenes and dialogues are! My favorite is definatly the scene in which Ford is climbing the roof, loose the shoes, and than all that happend at Michelle's place. Briliant. When he come's up with "Yes, I'm American, and I'm Crazy" and than gets punched stands out. I found the ending is not well matches the movie itself. The girl deserved so much more, than stupid bullet. And it seemed unlogical, that the wife is not getting jelous or anything. I saw someone mentioned the alternative ending, it should be much better...


i dont see why the wife would get jealous though, as harrison ford has just spent all the time searching for his wife.


Well, because she is a woman. Why would she be so sure, her husband really searched for her, and it was not the police all the time?


i agree, these scenes are hilarious. u feel so much pity about Ford.. and remember the scene where he hits his head in the boat.. it's just the best. I totally like this movie, the score by Ennio is really good too, especially the main theme, played in the beginning and in the end.


I've always liked the scene on the dance floor. LOTS of stuff going on there - not all of it subtle either. This movie reminds me more than any other why I like Harrison For so much. Polanski too, of course - even if this isn't the best Polanski can do, it's still pretty damn' good.

Karl Morton IV
[email protected]


Polanski has a very sharp eye for a good actors! Ferrow, Cassavetz, Nickolson, Ford, Depp, Adjani, even Deneuve no matter how woody she is as an actress makes the perfect match. Polanski's casting abilities are beyond any question. In this movie I hardly imaging anyone else as Ford's character. Who can it be?


I think I agree with that choice, it's a very suspensful scene all the way to the kick to Walkers head, I love the garage scene too because it's bam...
