MovieChat Forums > Frantic (1988) Discussion > Harrison Ford, the king of frustration ?

Harrison Ford, the king of frustration ?


He is very good at looking fed up and frustrated to high hell in his films. In this one he shows it the most. Everywhere he turns it's like he's about to flip a freaking switch of no return. I mean when he's on the roof and that suitcase opens up and clothes and everything are falling lol. It's so hopeless it's almost laugh out loud. Then when he's being put on hold at the cafe I mean I was imagining him smashing that damn phone into a million pieces and he almost did. Then again you have him driving around in a shot up car with a dead body in the driver seat and he's stuck in freaking traffic, lol! It's insane! Never have I seen a film where at every turn you felt like nothing the main character did was a step in the right direction. This is definitely an underrated film, if it wasn't for a couple hard to believe things. The feel, the language barrier, was terrific. I mean, I felt his pain and frustration and man was Emmanuelle hot, ooh la la.

Soldiers are dumb stupid animals used as pawns in foreign policy
-Henry Kissinger Sec Of State


The quick moments of him being mistreated in the U.S. embassy also show how natural he can implement frustration. The perfectly unsympathetic entrance guard, the shrill sounds of the metal detectors, him not getting buzzed in through the door right away,... lots of nice moments the audience can relate to on a personal level.


Michael Douglas would have been good as well! :)
