Christmas Slay

Anyone remember the scene when they are filming the movie Christmas Slay? I think that would make a good horror-comedy. Anyone else think so?


I was just watching this movie and the last 20 min of my videotape are taped over so I don't now how this movie ends anymore because it has been years sinds I have seen this movie. Can anybody tell me the ending to this movie... or can nobody upload the ending somewhere meaby?

By the way, I would love to see Santa slay, that was the real name of the movie they where making...


hahahahah great news santa slay was made with bill goldberg playing santa. Its about santan who lost a bet with an angel and had to play the role of santa for a thousand years. THe 100os years are up and he goes out to execute the remaining family of that angel.... complete muck but a bit of a laugh


And another holiday classic I watch every year.


Me too, both this and Ernest Saves Christmas are in my seasonal watch list
