MovieChat Forums > Die Hard (1988) Discussion > Did Takagi know the code key?

Did Takagi know the code key?

Either he did or didn’t, and maybe it doesn’t matter, but I’m just curious what everyone thinks? Watching it right now, and he sure stuck to his guns that he didn’t know it, but could totally have been bluffing too.


watched and looked for this not sure either he might not have know because the people at the top rarely do any actual work on computers but his second in command would have known


That is the CEO workstation, so he is supposed to be the only one who has access to it. For someone takes his job that seriously, I think he is the only one who has the password.

And that workstation has a daily cypher, means that is a secondary password that would only work on a particular date, similar to the enigma machine.

And that machine is the only place has access to the vault, which has bearer bonds worth of hundreds of millions, can you really trust anyone other than yourself with the password?


I think he did and refused to give it to them out of morality. It is funny though how no matter what, they needed the police and FBI there to open the safe because of the electro magnetic seal.


I don't know but Takagi drove me nuts in that scene. He has a gun pointed at him and seems to be a bit belligerent with the man holding the gun. Assuming he didn't actually know the code, why chose the words "You'll just have to kill me"?!?!? Seriously? That was the most diplomatic way to handle an armed man with a gun? Why not appeal to his sense of reason. Sure we the audience know he was doomed anyway but he didn't. Why not say "Hey, I'm not willing to die over some bonds. I swear if I knew I would tell you. If there is any way I can help you please tell me, I'm not dumb enough to try to be a hero here".

ANYTHING has to be better than "You'll just have to kill me". He was literally daring Hans with an ultimatum.


He knows the password, they know that. He knows they researched thoroughly.

And he did say:"Get on a jet and ask the chairman."


Then he was not the brightest guy. He played games with a man pointing a gun at him.


The guy already counted to 3, and there will be no 4.

He either gives up the password or die, there is no weaseling out of it. And even he gives up the password, there is no guarantee they won't kill him to cover up the theft. They did put up a charades pretending to be terrorists, they clearly did that for a reason.

So he was going to be dead either way, I think he was smart enough to know that. It is about whether to die like a man, or die begging like a dog.

I probably would not have said what he said, then again I was never put in situations like that before.


I agree that what you say makes sense, but then I am sitting here safely behind my keyboard. I hate to admit it but in real life if I had a gun pointed at me I'd be petrified and desperate to appease the guy with the gun.


Same here. I contemplated for quite a while to know the guy was going to die either way based on the information available to him at the time. There is no way I could have figured that out right there.



He did not know it.




The password is derived from his name, so of course he knows the password.


if he does, then he is retard for not giving it up to han.

unless he think they kill him anyway if he give them password?


The vault is likely not insured, he could be liable for the losses, since he is the only one who has access to the vault.

Even they did not kill him he could have been broke over this, at his age, also loss of reputation. Giving up the password could be considered that he worked with the robbers, it was an inside job.


all valid reason. but i and anyone else should take my chances with being brokes over my brain being splattered all over office wall!!

but takagi take that chance. he seem so sure. asking someone "just have to kill me" is bad. you dont ask terrorist to kill you!! he only say that if he really not know password. otherwise, he an idiot!!


The password was derived from his name, so of course he knew the password. He was likely the one who actually set it.

Someone has to put the bonds in the vault in the first place.


if so, he is idiot!! what kind of moron choose moneys over death!?!

give him password and he may keep him alive.


Even he gives up the password, there is no guarantee they won't kill him to cover up the theft. They did put up a charades pretending to be terrorists, they clearly did that for a reason.

So he was going to die either way, I think he was smart enough to know that. It is about whether to die like a man, or die begging like a dog.


i would take my chance with giving han the password, hoping maybe something might happens down the line. at least it buy some time instead of instant fatalitys!

had takagi given han the code, then he would have most likely been put on hostage chopper at end to be blown up, and as we all knows, john mclain stopped that from happening. so takagi would live if he give password. he is silly billie!


That is the luck he could not have predicted. And like I said before even he survived he would still have to face consequences, which could be just marginally better than death.


yes i understand. but i know what scenario i prefer. if i be facing execution - and i have to choose between instant execute, or later execute, i choose stay of execution like death row inmate hoping for lawyer to find last second reprieve.

mcclain was takagi's reprieve!
