And why this declaration after all that time?
Good question. I would say for 'shame'. The kind of authorities involved, always have a hard time admitting when they are mistaken or wrong. It needed time to die down.
The manner in which this case was handled was absolutely appalling. The NT police at the time were only out to big note themselves after the criticism they received about how they initially handled the investigation, not to mention the redneck attitudes. The irony is, it only proved how even more incompetent they were after Lindy ended up with a wrongful conviction. The evidence was all circumstantial and appeared to have no real solid grounding or proof that Lindy actually murdered her child. The prosecutions argument was contrived speculation and even somewhat absurd as to how Lindy allegedly killed her baby daughter. Not to mention confusing blood and hemoglobin forensic testing that the jury didn't even understand, and according to the film, ended up having to dismiss upon making their verdict decision. AND HOW CAN PAINT THAT LOOKED LIKE ARTERIAL SPRAY FOUND IN THE CHAMBERLAINS CAR, BE INCLUDED AS EVIDENCE WITHOUT EVEN TESTING TO SEE THAT IT WASN'T BLOOD IN THE FIRST PLACE??? WERE THE 80'S THE DARK AGES STILL??? Surely it doesn't take a genius to distinguish spray paint from blood, even in the archaic 80's. Grasping at straws!
With all the hype and furor that surrounded this case, I see the manipulation by the media (for their own personal agendas) and of the media by the legal system, to use the Chamberlains as scapegoats and an opportunity to prove to the Australian public that justice works, and to give the simpleminded, redneck lynch mob rabble in the pit something what they could tear up to shreds in a frenzy. Sam Neil who played Michael, makes a statement later in the film that, "Hell can't be any worse than this". I always thought that for a person to be proven 'guilty', it had to be proved "beyond a reasonable doubt" that they committed the crime of which they were accused. This didn't appear to happen here. Perhaps then we are still in the Dark Ages, in our ignorant mindsets.
Shame on the NT police at the time.
Shame on the media.
Shame on the prosecution.
Shame on the simpleminded jury for it's unfounded 'guilty' verdict, based on the facts or therefore "lack of" placed before them.