Guy in a bunny suit

I think I remember a part where this guy at some kid's party in a bunny suit gets attack by one of the critters and he's screaming and stuff, than all of a sudden there a different scene at some banquet where a guy is speaking on the mic or something, than all of a sudden the guy in the bunny suit comes flying through the window and crashing on the table with blood on his face! as a youngster watching it, I was like thinking "oh my god, the critters killed Bugs Bunny!" was there a part in this movie like that?


lol i remember that part for some reason i always thought it was funny


Oh cool! so there is a part that has this in the movie. But this scene did really freak me out as a kid, because i'm not to sure what part of the body the critter was attacking, I always thought he was chomping on his groin, stomach or something!! eek! this movie is cool! is it on DVD so I can relive it again?!


i alway thought it was his groin to but ya i think im gonna go the movie now that im thainkin of it


Oh yeah! I forgot about that! This was the first and only horror movie I could watch for years, thanks to "It" but I remember the bunny part got me all sad but then again I was probably 7.


The bunny scene is EXACTLY what was etched into my mind as a child!


Remember when he's putting the suit on?? I beleive it's the town constable but he tairs the suit around the groin area and says "Great! the easter bunny with his gehatchet hanging out!" Or something along those lines - hilarious!

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yeah, this is the ONE scene i remember from this movie, too!
But I remember him being in a bunny suit because it was easter sunday. And he crashed through one of the windows of a church where there was going to be an easter egg hunt.
I usually don't watch movies like this, but something compelled me to sit through the whole thing that day.
I actually enjoyed it.


Anyone played the game Silent Hill 3? There's an amusment park in it with a bunny mascot (it also appears as a cameo doll in Silent Hill 4). Consequently when the game turns dark, the bunny becomes a pretty gruesome icon. There's alot of blood covered dead people in bunny suits strewn about the place. Maybe they got the idea from Critters 2, haha :D


Oh yeah! Robbie the Rabbit is awesome! That would be cool if Silent Hill based him off of the guy in the bunny suit in Critters II.


Critters 2 for me is one of those movies that had like just a couple scenes i never forgot and one is the bunny suit on the ester egg hunt, i also remember the critter ball at the end and the alien transforming into half naked girl and wondering why the film got a PG-13 lol. the first two critters movies were pretty cool.


Well guy that scene always sticks out in my mind seeing that beautiful half naked woman in the movie. See back in the mid 80's they changed the rating system. It was like PG you could see women topless in a movie and the R Rated version showed a little more topless scenes though.

PG rating was equal to about a PG-13 rating of todays movies. If there is one scene of a woman being topless then it gets the rating of PG-13 but if there is a lot of swearing and more nude scenes in the movie then it will be raised up to a Rated R movie.

That was actually the best scene in the whole movie I feel!


This particular scene stands out in my mind as its quite gruesome in the fact that the critters are inside his bunny suit and wreaking havoc with his "private parts". It is quite funny but also quite violent (even though you dont see what they are doing).



He was also the sheriff, which is why Barry Corbin returns as the actin sheriff. My middle school drama teacher (dont ask, it was the only class left) worked as an acting coach on this movie. She can be seen talking to someone behind her in the scene where everyone is going to the church after the Critters start attacking. She can also be seen crossing the street in the final scene of the movie.

It was a shame the hot girl got killed.

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This is about the only part of the film I remember. A guy in a bunny suit getting his genitals eaten, which is somehow meant to be funny. That's pretty sick.

Some funny posts here too. You're all going on about the PG-13 rating because some chick is seen topless, and yet some dude getting his balls eaten seems ok with you. Now that's funny.


I thought that particular scene was absolutely hilarious.

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