I dont think so...I mean it was good to see some old faces and the big ball rolling over people was great but just did not have the 80's fun that it did in one! I miss the family and Billy zane to :( and what the hell with Terrence's hair? it looooooked much better in one...sry no power of the night...
I just watched this for the first time in a while and I have to say that it was definitely a downgrade. Sans a few good things, the wit and charm of the original was seriously absent. In the original the bounty hunters and critters were presented both seriously and could still flawlessly be used as comic relief, but the jokes were mostly childish, which caused them to change both into pure jokes. Not to mention that they also changed all the rules for both the bounty hunters and the Crites, or was at least a fumble in the treatment of continuity.
I also hated Ug's hair, and forget why Brad was wearing an earring - why was Ug wearing an earring?
I have to disagree with everyone here. I love 2 much better than any of the critters movies. The rolling Critter ball, the hiding the (easter) critter eggs, the attack on the Easter Bunny. I liked it so much better.
I liked the original better. The original is one of my favorite cheesy 80's sci-fi flicks. Both Critters and Gremlins are better than any of their sequels.
I liked part 2 better than 1. It had some great funny scenes, like the easter bunny and the hamburger factory. All the films are not scary anyways. If that would be an issue, I would like part 1 better because it has more tension in it.
I prefer this to the original I loved this film I saw it with my mates when I was around 11 loved it so much gore and nudity at 11 can't get much better and sticks in your mind forever.
I prefer this one, there is more action and gore, and a higher body count. There is a little more of an edge on the rating of PG-13 too. I really did like to see Billy Zane bite it in the first movie, but I prefer this one.
I just rented it there was a lot more swearing, deaths, and some nudity what I found strange was how did the townspeople know about the incident only the brown family,charlie, and the sheriff encountered them and they didn't believe him the deputy and a student were killed wouldnt that raise some suspitions it also had more comedy
i think critters 2 is the best and i would rate 1 and 3 the same because they were both set mostly in the same place where as 2 was in lots of locations with lots of characters lots of scenes and lots of laughs! the big ball of critter rocks!!
I like the scene with the female bounty hunter! She is smoking hot! It is a shame that she died at a young age though. She was the main purpose why I love to watch the movie!
I prefer this one as well. It had funnier moments, better effects, more critters, high body counts, more nudity, etc, etc...
And gotta disagree, none of them are scary. I'm not even sure the 1st was meant to scare anyone, I always assumed they were ALL supposed to be comedy horror. So if you look at it that way, this one is better in almost every way to some, including me. My 2 cents on the matter anyway...
"Andrew, we can't possibly be dead. We have cable." - Nothing
This has more action, but it doesn't seem to have as much personality as the original. It feels like a standard adventure-horror movie. The original was, I guess, inspired by Gremlins, but it seemed to have its own tone. The score was really good, too. I liked the family better than all the characters in 2. The bounty hunters are much more interesting and cooler in the original. I also think it's creepier.
I like the extra action in 2. I like the many references to the original. Harv is cooler. It's decent overall.
I thought this movie was a worthy and enjoyable sequel to the first one. It benefited from better special efects and more action, but the original had its own quirky personality which this one basically lacks.
1,000 mini-bios and I feel like I'm just getting started
I prefer the original. It's more scary with the claustrophobic farm setting. The family trapped in the house and under siege from the Critters. They are cut off from getting help, and they have one shotgun with six rounds to survive.
In Critters 2 there's never that same sense of danger because there's a whole town full of people armed to the teeth, they have the Bounty Hunters there which the Brown family never had until the end, and the Critters eat more cows than people.
I agree i liked this more than part 1 despite i love part 1 and i dig Lee as i had a crush on her since i saw this movie in theaters when i was 6. She is just gorgeous.
You killed Captain Clown, YOU KILLED CAPTAIN CLOWN-The Joker on Batman TAS
- Giant critter ball - Nude Lee - Eastern bunny killed - Meaner Harv - Charlie not that dumb - restaurant scene with crtitters - Ug transforming into one of them (didn't see this one coming)
- Thundering chords is what life's all about - Gerre