...Lee's death. When Lee died, Charlie had a look of shock on his face but he seemed more concerned about Ug's over the top reaction than anything. Did he even care? He told Brad rather nonchalantly that "Lee's dead" without much emotion at all, which seems to contradict earlier in the film when he was quite protective of his fellow bounty hunter. That always kind of bothered me. Anyone else feel this way?
Well Chuck was totally had a big crush on Lee when she found the right self afterall like in the deleted extended TV version scene in which the deleted scenes from the TV version can be seen on youtube/script where Lee says "body fits" (which meant Lee was originally androgynous according to the script as he/she/it before finding the right self and didn't felt comfortable in guys's bodies in the original why he/she/it kept turning into other people in the original cause there was no attractive women in town in the original then when Lee finds Chuck's spank magazine he/she/it finds the perfect form as "she" feels "her" body/face then says with approval "body fit" then Chuck smiles at her and has a crush on her saying "body fit alright" before she says kill krites) yet he followed her as he was crazy for her, yet he hated it when she got pissed off at the nerdy guy for bitching at her/Ug/Chuck for restaurant damage cost as she accidentally triggered her transformation power when she got pissed but luckily Chuck restored Lee back to the right self before the "supposed" death. I'm sure he was as heartbroken as Ug and Ug was Chuck's new best friend and felt his pain too as Ug did said Johnny Steel's form was "this body fits" he said earlier as he knew Ug couldn't live in the right self as a nothing face.
Yet there was just an arm there but not the rest of the corpse as i dunno if Lee died, an artist by the name of TheRichSmithRobot who has a tumblr site as he is an artist made a fanfiction comic called Critters 2.5 which shows what if Lee didn't die as there was just an arm there and she hide in a warehouse to regenerate her arm. The artist he has done only 3 pages so far and will do the rest soon as it tells what actually happens to Lee during and after the events of Critters 2 even answer some plot holes like where the town found some stuff to protect themselves from critters, why did Chuck stay on Earth, how did the spaceship know where to pick up Ug, how did Chuck knew about the critters becoming a huge ball and all that.
"Unicorn, mermaid, vampire,sorceress! No name you'd give her would surprise me i love whom i love"
Awesome! He's a great artist. I definitely want to see more. I like his version of the events as I also did not want Lee to die. Next, he should do something that retcons Ug dying in the fourth film, which I always thought was ridiculous. Then again, I can just ignore that movie altogether.