hey music help

please help me...i have to find out what the songs is, that plays when they get married...and they are dancing around each other near the end...what is that song??? please it sounds like they are saying, be my baby, and i love you...but i dont know what the song is called or who sings it...please help


I think you're talking about the song that's called "When Will I Be Loved" ... at least I think that's the name of the song ... I think Linda Rondstandt sang the cover of the song, it's originally an Everly Brother's song ...

Hope that helps you out ...


hey, wow, this is an old post so i dont know if you ever figured it out but the song is When Will I Be Loved by Phil Everly.


"When Will I Be Loved" was a great song. Cocktail has a lot of great songs that made up for being a B-movie.
