DVD price

Ok I dunno if anybody has checked up but the DVD is out, however its impossible to find on any retail site I've checked. Oh you can buy it used off Amazon.com for about $300 and eBay just had one end for $180 anyone know where it can be found for a REASONABLE price (under $30)?? Some untapped resource perhaps.



What is this all about, Americans seem to have to pay really ridculasly high prices for dvds, this film goes for 30 quid in the UK.



Just to let yous know clownhouse is on play.usa.com, its awaiting delivery of stock and its $19.49, plus i dont know where the person that said it was 30 quid in the uk cos that is 9.99 in uk money on play.usa.com


Clownhouse has a new release date of Aug 24, 2004 from MGM.



I have "Clownhouse" on my wish list at DVDaficianado.com and recently it changed from "No scheduled release date" to "Release Date: Aug. 24, 2004". Maybe there's something to it, maybe it's simply reprinting last year's date.


Check out:


Clownhouse is expected to appear in stores in the third or fourth quarter of this year (2004) along with a re-release of Wes Craven's Swamp Thing, for those who missed out the first time around.


I dont know, I just bought this film NEW on Region 1 DVD for $9.99 on Ebay.

