Who Dies

what chracters die in this movie


Well since you don't mind having the film spoiled for you, I will tell you. Three guys performing as circus clowns, a couple of liquor store owners, and possibly Randy the oldest child.

If you are going to watch this film with gnarly deaths, you are going to sorely disapointed.


Actually, Lunatic Cheezo is the only clown you really see die. Realistically Lunatic Bippo and Lunatic Dippo would have been merely knocked unconscious. Falling down a flight of stairs and getting hit on the head with a lamp would most likely not kill anyone. But I guess you are meant to assume they are dead.
Official Death Toll: Real Cheezo, Real Dippo, Real Bippo, Lunatic Cheezo, Jasper
Possible Death Toll: Randy, Lunatic Bippo, Lunatic Dippo


Lunatic Bippo did die, not from the lamp, but he was pushed through the window, and fell to his demise. I got to admit, his death looked strange, it looked like he was diving, then falling.


what liquor store owners? there was no liquor store! Casey and Randy went to a little convineant store where the farm hand man who was leaving for the night was murdered by the clowns


the characters that die in the movie are the farm hand man at the store and the 3 circus men who they stole the outfits from



The 3 Circus Clowns
The 3 Mental Patients


3 Real Clowns
3 Bad Clowns
Liquor Store Guy

The Psycho Clowns::

One clown was pushed out window
Another is hit with a frying pan, then axed in the back...
The 3rd was knocked out with a plank of wood, and falls backwords
over one of the brothers down the stairs...

The 3 real clows are shown dead, but we never see how they die,
but the evil clows supposedly murder them in the tent...

Randy's death is unclear, it looks like he gets his head pulled
through a window by one of the psycho clowns..

The licquor store man's death is vague too. We see him and the 3 nutty clows in the barn, and the shadow of him going down by the clowns hides what they did to him...but we did see the main evil clown, Cheeso mime like he was twisting a balloon using the guy's fingers..pretty strange and vague...

The clowns should have killed Victor Salva for his sick behavior..

What are the purposes of signatures!!..


Did randy really die???? he was bloodied and seemed lifeless when he was in the closet. Jeffrey even said, while dragging randy's body, I think he's alive.

the evil clowns did kill the 3. you could even see the real cheezo (Georgie) lie dead.

I had a hard time understanding what they were doing to jasper with his hand just before he snapped his neck.

how did imposter Dippo die from falling down the stairs? the way Imposter Bippo died was fake? But we clearly saw real cheezo's death.


I'm pretty sure Randy was alive. Like you've already mentioned, Jeffrey said "I think he's alive." And, if I remember correctly, you can see Randy coughing lightly as Jeffrey is dragging him into the den.

Bill Murray was mean to my coat.

