MovieChat Forums > Clownhouse (1990) Discussion > Favorite quote.............. .

Favorite quote.............. .

"Thhhheeee clowns are coming Casey! Thhhheee clowns are coming~" Lmao! Good stuff!


I don't think it's really a funny type of movie. So the quotes are not really the point.

"Carol, one word of advice: send Cindy to a special school"


Are you kidding? Every word that rolls out of Sam Rockwell's mouth is pure comedy gold!

"I'll tell you your fortune; you're ugly and you'll probably wet the bed again tonight."

Or this gem:
Fortune teller: "Your love line, it is short."
Sam Rockwell: "Like his pecker."

Or the best lines in the whole movie, sung by Rockwell, barely audible, to the tune of a military marching song, as he is walking away from Casey in the Woods.
"Casey, walkin' walkin' scared
'Tween his legs he's got no hair
Afraid of clowns, they're everywhere
He'll pee his bed so you better beware
Sound off... One two... <spoken> you're a disgrace to your platoon soldier"


I AGREE! Best stuff ever! But someone below reminded me of this!!!!!!!!!

Are you guys gonna stay here and feel each other up while I'm gone

i'm gonna use that one!


Geoffrey: "Shut up Randy! Haven't you ever been scared before?"

Randy: "Yeah, scared how bad I'm gonna bash you, talkin to me like that!"

So I aint holdin nuthin back & muthafu**er I got 5 on the 20 sack!


after hitting the clown over the head with a lamp...

"that was mom's favorite lamp!"


"Get off me you little sh i t, what the hell's the matter with you!"

So I aint holdin nuthin back & muthafu**er I got 5 on the 20 sack!


"Are you guys gonna stay here and feel each other up while I'm gone?" lmao

"It's better to be hated for what you are than to be loved for you what you are not."


My fave is "scared how much I'm gonna bash you", I almost peed laughing at that.

And a clean pair of shorts


LMAO! I TOTALLY forgot about that! love it! thanks!


Randy is badass.

"Knightley is a poor man's Portman." -monkeypunks


"So why ya goin' Casey, ya know ya scared!"

"The whole GD town knows you're as chicken as they come!"

"You know Casey...I bet you want someone to hold your hand."

all from Randy


"Aren't you forgetting something Geoffrey? Like...I can bash your face?"


how bout when he almost sings

but casey...oh casey...what about those clowns?

rockwell bitches!!


ya the golden ones came from Randy...good stuff

