I want to own this movie so bad and I can never find it in stores. But everytime I search for it on Ebay or Amazon, it sells for no less than 70 dollars! Seriously? 70 dollars or more for Clownhouse? They act like it's some long lost director's cut of The Godfather or something. I don't get it. How the heck can I find this film for a reasonable price? And not a bootleg either.
You need to look at the movie's scandalous history to fully understand its obscurity. Victor Salva (director) molested Nathan Forrest Winters (young star). MGM did release Clownhouse but pulled it almost immediately due to feared protests or because Winters actively fought to ban it from appearing further on home video.
It's been out-of-print for a decade now, and by most indicators, will never see a re-release. So if you want Clownhouse that badly, you can either watch it online or bite the bullet and fork over the cash. I divvied out $50 (after S&H) for a used copy on Amazon. My "bargain hunter" mentality really took a blow with that one, but I had to rationalize that I'd probably never pay lower. Is it worth that much money? No, but it's worth owning.
Plenty of other genre DVDs have been allowed to go OOP. If you visit an infinite number of pawn shops, thrift stores, and other sources of used DVDs, you'll eventually find a copy for a reasonable price. Or maybe you can rent it and copy it.
Ladies and gents, the price for a new copy is as high as 2.499,99$ on Amazon by one seller. It's brand new and factory sealed. Why would you pay that ?!
I think the movie has gained some undeserved "collectors value" on the market. The question is why, is it because of the dark story behind making this movie or because of the half naked boys shown in the movie? Even if I was a collector of rare movies I would never buy this...it's morbid. And quite frankly, sick.
I bought mine in 2005 and paid only 10 bucks on Overstock.com for it. Seeing other sites selling it for far more, I ended up ordering 2 copies. Despite the director's lewd past, I have had the pleasure to meet him and yeah while watching this movie is enough to make you feel sick, I think that ultimately works to the film's advantage. I admit that I viewed this film for the first time completely unaware of the director's past. The film was so good and creepy that I watched it over and over and over again. It became the next horror movie I'd show off to all my friends. Looking back to it, I did find it INCREDIBLY weird that I had completely missed the scene where Casey stands up and his ass is plainly visible during several of those re-viewings but one time with friends and it was burned into my memory. Even now, that scene seems like it just has no reason to be there.
I never had the gall to tell my friends that the director WAS (and perhaps in some deep dark place still is) a pedo, especially when Jeepers Creepers was coming out. That was when my moral dilemma kicked in. Advocate a genuinely creepy and scary movie or condemn it because the director had one major trangression 15 years ago that affects me in no way, shape or form? The choice was quite clear.
As an artist, I know sometimes I may do things that general society may find unacceptable and yeah it may be so bad that it ruins my life but does that mean I should stop trying to show that I'm more than just what I'm being condemned as to my constituents? Hell no and Victor is right in trying to move forward with his life and not letting something that happened well over 20 years ago continue to get him down. He suffers everyday in his head, a place far worse than your mouth. Nathan Winter's mother has already stated that she has moved on from this and that as long as Victor stays away from her family, she doesn't mind what he does with his life. Nathan isn't around that I can find him for any comments. If she can move on, why are we still stuck 20 years in the past?
You completely missed the scene where Caseys bare butt is shown? Really?! I find it hard to believe that it was one of your fave horror films that you showed off to friends and watched multiple times, but you never noticed that the 12 year old drat of the film showed his bare ass.