MovieChat Forums > Clean and Sober (1988) Discussion > Why did he stay in rehab in the beginnin...

Why did he stay in rehab in the beginning?

He seemed like he wanted to leave, he was trying to get drugs, nobody was forcing him to stay.......why not just leave?


He couldn't leave! Well, I don't mean he was physically unable to leave but he really had no choice but to stay. The police were "watching him" because his "girlfriend" was found dead in his bed. His co-workers were not happy with him because a large sum of money came up missing from the office. Plus there was obvious drug use/dealing going on at his workplace and now with the police watching, his co-workers became nervous and wanted to "talk" to Daryl. Later on when he goes back to his office and messes it up looking for a "fix" or some money, the night worker catches him and calls the police. She says "if you have somewhere to go, you had better go there." And about half way into the movie, Martin (his friend from the office) warns him that the father of the girl he "murdered" is out to get him. So Daryl returns to rehab and decided to stay... mainly for his OWN protection and safety...

So it's kind of a catch-22 situation. Sure he doesn't like the rehab at first but he figures rather quickly that it's his only salvation. He could have left at anytime... but instead he stays... and goes back again and again.... part of the recovery process... not to mention the plot for the movie!

This was indeed a great performance by Keaton! And Freeman!


What was interesting, to me anyway, is how Daryl gets back into the center after the "office rampage/phone call to mom" scene when the cleaning lady tells him she either did or will call the police if he doesn't leave or go where he needs to. It then cuts right to the first urinal scene with Daryl and Craig where Daryl tries to lie to Craig by saying he realized he was already where he needed to be in rehab. Did Craig just let Daryl back in because he felt sorry for him? It would have been nice to have a scene where Daryl somehow contacts the center, who contacts Craig in the middle of the night, and has Craig go to the center and at first refuse to let him back in but eventually do so because it may be Daryl's only hope. The transition was nice enough though, that I was able to suspend my disbelief long enough to let the plot sink in.

Also at this point, Daryl is starting to slowly realize how low he has sunk. But he only hits rock bottom after learning the girl has died, the girl's father thinks Daryl is responsible for her death, and the office wants to interrogate Daryl about the girl and the missing money. Craig then has to persuade Daryl to realize and admit that he is an addict, and that recovery happens one minute, second, and day at a time.

If anyone has any ideas on my thoughts about the above scenes, feel free to share them!


He was hiding out! Remember what a big deal he made about confidentiality to the intake person?

"Joey, have you ever been in a Turkish prison?"


He was trying to hide out for awhile. Remember what was going on with the girl's father and the escrow account he embezzled. He didn't count on the way the center was run.


The incident with the dead girl and losing his job was his rock bottom. Once he hit it, a part of him knew he needed help, but addiction being the beast that it is, he could not consciously make the decision, so entered rehab under the guise of laying low, effectively fooling the addiction monster inside him. Obviously there are a million better places to lay low than a rehab center. He chose rehab because deep down he knew he needed help, but was unable to make a conscience decision get it.
