Ban The Sale Of Beer

I would like to ban the sale of beer. Here in Canada, drunk drivers kill and injure many people. I know that the beer industry is very important to the Canadian economy but beer is creating a lot of dysfunction in society.


There could be a designation on your license here in the states- just a symbol that you could voluntarily put on there or the courts could require if you're habitually driving drunk and getting into alcohol related trouble. But here in the states the big corporations would never let their government allow that. Since they run the country, I mean.

Only the dead stay seventeen forever.


you two are self-righteous idiots. run your own lives, let the rest of society run theirs.

the dudebert abides




And, what gets me is that an accident can occur for other reasons, even if one of the drivers has been drinking, but if someone 'blows', then that is automatically almost always cited as either the majority of the cause of the accident, if not THE cause, whether it truly was or not.

In our zeal to decrease actual drunk driving accidents, too many kool aid drinkers want to use this ‘cause’ as yet another way to feed their never-ending, obsessive urge to control others and to feel smug self-righteousness while at the same time suspending critical thought.

This zeal has also resulted in what I consider unconstitutional checkpoints, and here in California, the state apparently is not making enough money from drunk drivers at these checkpoints to justify the taxpayer dollars spent to operate them and apparently feel they are not pulling in enough of this 'sin' revenue, so they are expanding their searches (and seizures, which are big bucks) to a myriad of 'other' things (wanting to search cars, and some even are now third-degreeing passengers). I just don't see how it can be constitutional to detain drivers simply for driving down a certain road at a certain time of night, whether it is advertised in a small section hidden within a newspaper or not.

It's just another way we are morphing into an Orwellian 'Minority Report' type of society.

And, now they are slowly releasing state-funded 'studies' via the media that say driving while tired or driving while taking a cold/sinus medication *can* be just as dangerous as driving drunk. This is just a precursor to justifying legislation for fining/criminalizing drivers whom they think police can determine are too 'tired' to drive or are driving after having taking a Sudafed for their allergy, to try to get through their workday. And, to stimulate yet another revenue generator while hiding behind the 'it's for our own good' excuse.

While the U.S. Supreme Court has made the DUI exemption to the Constitution, eleven states have found that sobriety checkpoints violate their own state constitutions or have outlawed them. In these states, individuals have more protections against unreasonable search and police sobriety roadblocks are prohibited.

And, while we spend our valuable police personnel resources on these sorts of things, we have copper thefts, home invasions, and gang-related crime booming out of control in our state.

"Anyone who will trade freedom for security deserves neither".

BTW: I do NOT drink alcohol.

11/16/12: The day the Twinkie died :(


You'll never be able to do that. We tried it in the 1920's and all it did was create bootlegging. Not everyone has a drinking problem, which is why beer isn't illegal.


OP is either kidding or he doesn't live in the real world. The brewing and selling of beer is not only time-honored (archaeologists have found brewing vats in the ruins of Ancient Egyptian cities), but it brings in BILLIONS of dollars a year. It would be like trying to ban pornography - it's here and it's not going away.

Not everyone who drinks is a drunk driver. Hey, I used to like my two 40's a night after work occasionally. I gave it up some time ago. And I have a family history of alcoholism. What does that prove, you ask? That not everyone who drinks is an alky, either. If I want a beer occasionally, that's my absolute right. You cannot treat adults like children by not letting them have things that you think are bad for them. How about beef? Or salt? Or sex? Or showers? Some people do slip in the shower and die, you know. Maybe we should ban the manufacture and sale of showerheads, or....

Well, you get my point. Quit being naive. Grow up, make the right choices as you see them, and just maybe you'll live a long life.

Oh, one more thing. As much damage as drunk driving does, I'm afraid it's just something our society has to live with.

The Falcon flies


It's funny - I used to feel like the OP. I hated, HATED beer because I perceived it as the root of all evil. Someone in my family was an alcoholic so I resented beer for many years.

As I got older, I realized that alcoholism is a disease. That if people drink, they have to take responsibility.

Which is really what Clean and Sober is about.


Alcoholism is NOT a disease - it's a choice.

You can't catch alcohlism or any other addiction for that matter.

There is no emperical evidence either that supports that theory, in fact it is far more dangerous to the substance abuser to call it a disease because it can make them believe the problem is out of their control.

Don't get sucked into that pop-psychology.

Sola Scriptura/Sola Gratia/Sola Fide/Solus Christus


wow where do I begin. Dude you are so ignorant. The DISEASE of addiction is something that you are born with. Secound I u have no clue what goes on in the mind and body of someone who suffers from the disease. It has been proven that many of the people have a dopemine defficency. The only way these people can get help is throuhg support groups. Secound you have your *beep* backwords it is extrmely dangerouse for an addict and alcoholic to so they ahve controle of there disease, the whole piont is there disease was out of controle, therefore they have to admit they are powerless and get help. So please don't start preaching *beep* that you have absolutley no clue about.


I'm not denying that these addictions are real problems for some, but I refuse to believe that they are a disease. How do you explain all the people who have kicked their alcohol/drug dependencies?

It has been proven, over and over again that people can and have beaten their addictions, without the aid of medicine, etc. They did it on sheer will power, because they were tired of living that way. Support groups only go so far.

I guess I just like to view human beings as more than just a mindless mass of flesh who can't control their urges or behaviors. This world would be a better place if people chose to rise above their depravities and addictions, rather than wallow in them.

But, to each his own...and woe to the addicted out there who come to you for help.

Sola Scriptura/Sola Gratia/Sola Fide/Solus Christus


"But, to each his own...and woe to the addicted out there who come to you for help."

Right on, brother (sister?). laxpv30, although sternn01 may (or may not) have ever had to beat an addiction, how about Jack Trimpey? The guy got sloshed every day for at least 20 years, was in and out of support groups with no end in sight for his so called "disease". One day he finally decided that enough was enough and that he was NEVER going to drink again and NEVER change his mind! Do you know what happened after that? He's remained abstinent ever since and set up a NEW method of addiction recovery which actually works instead of keeping people addicted like the 12 Steps do. For more information, check out his web site and click on "Recover Now". By the way, laxpv30, Bill Wilson, founder of AA, asked his wife for a bottle of whiskey on his deathbed. Real great "recovery" system there... L8r.



Oops... it appears that they've changed their web site. Now you need to click on "Crash Course On AVRT". L8r.


I know this thread is way old but this requires a response, I never said there aren't other ways of kicking this disease but the persons you described used a method to help himself he didn't stop cold turkey, some people need self help groups, secound go scre yourself you self entitled twat.


The DISEASE of addiction is something that you are born with.

You are not born being an acholic or an addict. Drinking/drugs is a choice which turns into a habit. An actual disease you were born with is something you can't help. If you believe that addiction is something that's predetermined, that means free will doesn't exist.


Alcoholism is NOT a disease - it's a choice.
I bet you think the same thing about sexual orientation, huh?

Alcoholism is most certainly a medical disorder, one of the symptoms of which is distorted perception as the alcoholic's imperative increasingly becomes feeding the addiction by drinking more and more. Treatment for alcoholism is covered under many medical plans.

Alcoholism is more prevalent among certain groups of people, and there seems to be a genetic component.

People don't choose to be alcoholics any more than they choose to become diabetic as adults. In both cases the disease can be managed with behavioral changes. But they *never* "go away".

And falcon is right about the dangers of enlisting the government to prevent people from things they should have a right to do "for their own good." Life is full of risk, and we should accept that and act accordingly instead of giving up even more of the liberty we still have left.

I cannot safely drink. I manage that by staying abstinent. But that doesn't mean no one else should be able to drink.

All Prohibition accomplished in the States was the enormous growth of organized crime there.

"Joey, have you ever been in a Turkish prison?"


Yes it is a choice...saying things like "there seems to be a genetic component" exactly my point. **The point is that calling alcohol or drug abuse a “disease” takes away from the individual the respect for his or her ability to choose. Every behavior we have is somehow tied to genetics and the brain. That doesn’t make it a disease unless the individual has no choice. Alzheimer ’s disease gives you no choice. Multiple sclerosis gives you no choice. Alcohol abuse is a choice.

The good news about calling alcohol and drug abuses “diseases” is that clinicians and others can reap financial rewards by charging insurance for their “medical” intervention.

The bad news about calling substance abuse a “disease” is that the individual is robbed of his real ability to exercise choice and self-control, and such labeling puts the onus on society to give that individual a “pass” on taking responsibility for the consequences of the addiction.**

Type 2 dibetics also have a choice to reverse their condition, and many have - because in their case the pancreas can still produce insulin - and a change in lifestyle and eating habits can halt the onset. Type 1 diabetics are not in the same boat as alcoholics because their pancreas stops working to produce insulin - there is conclusive evidence of this...tell me what stops working in an alcoholics case?

I applaude your efforts at remaining alcohol free, its very admirable, and proves that with enough will power we can rise above the destructive impulses we all face each day. If you are a struggling alcoholic - did you get something fixed to reverse your condition, or did you CHOOSE to stop drinking or abstain? You see - it works both ways.

Sola Scriptura/Sola Gratia/Sola Fide/Solus Christus


Ofcoarse there is a choice, the choice is not to start drinking when you know that alcoholism runs in your family. Think of it a a light switch being turned on that can never be turned off. The secound CHOICE is to get help, plain and simple. It's unfortunate that many people, such as yourself, are so ignorant in this field. Oh and by the way the american medical association has declared it a disease, so unless your a doctor or neurobiologist than I sugest you keep your mouth shut.


Alcoholism is a disease. It is an allergic reaction to liquor. There are some people that can drink socially and nothing happens to them, while to others, they become dependant on drink and cannot stop.



Prohibition does not work and never will.



Maybe you should ban the sale of cars? Thought of that?

"facts are stupid things" - Ronald Reagan
