AA doesn't want to cure you, they want to brainwash you into believing you are diseased. They teach you that you can only hope to be a dry drunk, and that you must accept God to stay sober.
A.A. is just a fellowship of people helping each other to stay sober. The founders of A.A. suggested the 12 Steps, but they are most definitely not a requirement. Some A.A.'s, granted, will sit on their high horse and tell you that you have to do this and that, but that's not what its about at all. If a person really wants to stop drinking, they'll stop drinking. For me, I find it easier to do when I know that I'm not alone in this thing. And that's what A.A. is all about. We're not alone in this thing. We CAN recover and get our lives back.
Facts are meaningless. You could use facts to prove anything that's even remotely true!
12 steps are definitely a requirement. I had to go to many meetings. Went to a few voluntarily, later forced to go by EAP at work... Did not help me. The people it helps are fallen away Christians. (Good for the people it helps, but it should not be advertised that it is for everyone and "spiritual" and not religious.) The lack of scientific methods is disturbing, and that it is run by people that are anti-science and has no oversight. It is totally faith-based and if you mention cognitive therapy you get patronized and patted on the back and told simplistic saying like: fake it, till you make it.
It's definitely not inclusive though it pretends to be. Makes no sense to someone truly agnostic or non-Christian. The court system forcing people to go is criminal.
btw, I thought this movie was pretty bad. Glosses over real issues and problems people have.
I'm in AA. I'm not a Christian. I don't believe in God. The problem people have with AA is that they hear what they want to hear. They go to the meetings wanting to find a reason that they shouldn't be there or that it doesn't work or that it is a cult. They hear the 20% that doesn't help them or that they take issue with and completely ignore the 80% that is practical and actionable. I know because I tried it several times before I managed to sober up for any length of time and had the exact same experience. Those people are going to think what they are going to think. It's there if you want it and it helps exponentially more people than any other method of sobering up. It is certainly not the only way, but when you get to the point I got to, you look for results and the one thing AA can say with some certainty is that they can show 70+ years of results.
Your last statement shows that you know absolutely zilch about AA. Try making a comment about something you are familiar with, like Jerry Springer or Honey Boo Boo.
Though this thread is ancient and none of these folks are here, it speaks to an important topic. I'm a recovered alcoholic in AA. And the organization does much good, not only to help alcoholics quit drinking, but to instill some strength and ethical rules in their life.
However, it is indeed a religious cult. They claim Higher Power can be a god of your choice. So it's a sort of shapeshifting god which can be Christ or Yahweh or Allah. But it's still a god. I'm an atheist. And I told them so. They still point me to this Higher Power and tell me it can be anything I desire. That's a shapeshifter!
There's also a cult-like us versus them mentality - we are a special people and everyone else is a "normie".
Anyway, it's a good organization which helps people. But it is most definitely a religious cult.