A couple of things. "Punishing" addicts for using doesn't work, at least not directly (eventually consequences may catch up and cause an addict to seek help).
Addicts have to practice rigorous honesty with themselves and others. They have to stop the delusion that they can "handle" their drug of choice, that they are not addicts, and that their lives are manageable.
So, Craig wasn't trying to punish or humiliate her. He gave her the opportunity to "come clean" and admit her usage. She refused to do so. Therefore, she has no place among people trying to recover. It wasn't the fact that she used, that's what addicts do. It was the fact that she refused to admit it.
As noted, no one will kick you out of an AA or NA meeting for being intoxicated. All that is required is a desire to stop. At some point, however, if someone continues to show up inebriated, they may be asked to leave, because their desire to quit is questionable.
But, Craig's meeting was not an AA or NA meeting.