I also don't know how good a child's play film would be with out a Chucky doll in it, it wouldn't really feel like a Chucky film.
Child's Play was never about Chucky's life as a human, it's about his struggle to get out of the doll which is one reason why they hardly focused on his past life, it didn't really matter. Curse was the most we'll probably ever see of human Chucky.
If they were to do this, I think they should use a younger actor for human Chucky of course but then have Brad Dourif play as the older Chucky for the last 20 minutes or so, maybe. Of course he would obviously be a bit aged, but so what. He didn't look that bad in Curse, imo.
Question is, did Chucky start killing people at a young age? Did he kill people before he started to dabble in voodoo magic?? Or did that start with the voodoo?
He was probably always the Lakeshore strangler but he got into voodoo in order to use it to be able to beat death, but still, when did he start killing people??? It would just be weird to see a younger actor become an adult but then somehow morph into Brad Dourif near the end. It seems like they would have to have him start killing at a young age and then later learn about the voodoo rituals to transfer your soul into other bodies.
Only people with money say that money doesn't matter.