Important lessons this franchise has taught me.
1. Its easy to evade a police officer on foot after you have been shot.
2. The site of a Chucky Doll is so scary it will cause someone to jump out a window and plunge to their death.
3. There is absolutely nothing wrong with sleeping in the same apt where your best friend was killed minutes before you arrive home from work.
4. Karen finds nothing suspicious about the fact that her son is aware of the name Charles Lee Ray without having watched the news.
5. The people of Chicago see nothing wrong with a young boy riding by himself while talking to a doll.
6. Mike Norris and his partner see nothing odd about the fact that Andy was able to locate Eddie's and his hideout.
7. Eddie is not at all curious as to whether or not Chucky is in his hideout despite seeing Andy walking around outside calling Chuckys name and for that matter hearing Chuckys manical laughter.
8. After screaming in pain from being burned by a cigarette lighter Chucky thinks he can't be harmed.
9. Mikes partner doesn't know the meaning of "Don't touch anything!"
10. Toy companies are so powerful that they can scare police departments into keeping quiet about killer dolls.
11. Evidence that has appeared at numerous murders is easy to steal. This rule applies to Childs Play 2 and so on.
12. Phil, Andys foster father is an angry paranoid man who shouldn't be around children.
13. Andys military barber doesn't know how to shave someone completely bald even though he claims they are now bald.
14. After years and years of Chucky being found at various murder scenes he is still not a suspect.