What a B**ch!

Any parent who buys their children clothes as presents. Not only that, but the fact that she put it in an unnecessarily large box for no reason. Clothes are not presents for children, they are necessities.

Dragonzord! Mastodon! Pterodactyl! Triceratops! Saber Toothed Tiger! Tyrannosaurus!


I still never want to get clothes as a present especially at xmas time

Gamesystems never become obsolete if they are still fun to play


Then on top of that, she only bought Andy the accessories for the Good Guy doll without actually buying the toy that they go to, then offers up the excuse 'Well, I didn't know about it in time to save up for it'.

Then how the hell did she cough up the cash for the Chucky doll later that day? She was willing to go up to fifty (maybe more) for it when Maggie said the doll costs about a hundred bucks.

Why didn't her and Maggie both in and buy a brand new doll at the store? Surely Maggie would have spent fifty bucks (with Karen giving up the other fifty) to make Andy happy.

All New Season:


If they would have bought a new doll it would have been a short movie an Andy would have just had a happy normal birthday

Gamesystems never become obsolete if they are still fun to play


Even if Maggie would have been willing to cover part of the cost of the doll (wich, based on her interactions with Karen and Andy, I'm sure she would have), it can still be hard for some people to accept such handouts/gifts from a friend, particularly if it's for something they don't absolutely need. Maybe Karen's pride wouldn't allow her to ask for the money or to accept it if Maggie offered. After all, Maggie even had to talk her into allowing her to babysit Andy that night, despite Karen's job depending on her coming back in to work and thus finding a babysitter for Andy. And if that were the case, I honestly can't say that I fault Karen for it. She was trying her best to make it on her own and not be dependent on anyone else. That doesn't make her a bitch, just a self-reliant, responsible person. It's true that Andy really wanted the doll (and was disappointed when he didn't get it that morning), but he certainly didn't need it. If he hadn't received it, he would have gotten over it.

And, of course, if Karen had been willing to accept money from Maggie for a new doll, we the fans wouldn't have gotten this wonderful start to the thrilling, 25-year saga of Chucky (which may be the real reason I can't fault Karen for her actions). :)


I still never want to get clothes as a present especially at xmas time.

Yeah, no kid would want that. That'd be the worst Christmas ever.

"I am the ultimate badass, you do not wanna `*beep*` wit me!"- Hudson in Aliens.


I wouldn't go as far as to call her a b*tch, but...yeah. Kids don't generally like getting clothes as presents. I remember feeling the same way when I was little, but then around 12 or 13 that all changed and then I actually liked getting clothes instead of toys.

I've never fooled anyone. I've let people fool themselves.


It's definitely nice to get toys instead of clothes for birthdays
and or Christmas when you're young. But respectfully, she
was a single parent just trying to give her son the necessities
and did try to make up for it after.


It's all part of the childhood experience, getting ugly sweaters from grandma or socks from aunt for Christmas. But yeah, getting clothes from your parents is lame, unless it's something fun or you're a little older. I got a Member's Only jacket when I was 13 or so, and I was pretty pleased.



I loved getting clothes as gifts, most birthdays and christmas we might not get anything at all. Four siblings, with a single mom and minimum wage jobs, and not a dime of child support. I don't recall ever having a birthday party, except for one I have my little brother, and I worked in a tobacco field all summer to save for that. Taught me to be ok with not having everything I want.


I never understood why she would put clothes in a huge tall box like that. I mean I get it...Andy is supposed to think it's a Good Guy Doll. BUT...who puts clothes in a huge box like that?

She was willing to pay for the doll that peddler was selling once she realized how badly Andy wanted it.



I didn't like clothes as present either. Changed later - I love jackets.
