Even if Maggie would have been willing to cover part of the cost of the doll (wich, based on her interactions with Karen and Andy, I'm sure she would have), it can still be hard for some people to accept such handouts/gifts from a friend, particularly if it's for something they don't absolutely need. Maybe Karen's pride wouldn't allow her to ask for the money or to accept it if Maggie offered. After all, Maggie even had to talk her into allowing her to babysit Andy that night, despite Karen's job depending on her coming back in to work and thus finding a babysitter for Andy. And if that were the case, I honestly can't say that I fault Karen for it. She was trying her best to make it on her own and not be dependent on anyone else. That doesn't make her a bitch, just a self-reliant, responsible person. It's true that Andy really wanted the doll (and was disappointed when he didn't get it that morning), but he certainly didn't need it. If he hadn't received it, he would have gotten over it.
And, of course, if Karen had been willing to accept money from Maggie for a new doll, we the fans wouldn't have gotten this wonderful start to the thrilling, 25-year saga of Chucky (which may be the real reason I can't fault Karen for her actions). :)